A Chance for a Chance?

<p>Hey College Confidential, I know its probably annoying having yet another chance thread come along, but I'd really like other people's opinion of my chances at various schools. So first of all, my information:</p>

<p>Who I Am
White, Male, Rich Californian who lives in a high income area.</p>

<p>Test Scores
SAT: 2220 (780M, 730CR, 710W)
ACT: 34 (36M, 36CR, 34W, 31Sci)
APs: APStat 5, APCompSciA 5, APComp 3
SAT2: Math2 800, Lit 750, Chem 710</p>

4.14 weighted, 3.74 unweighted
Freshman Weighted GPA: 3.87 (7 Classes, 1H, 5A-2B)
Sophomore Weighted GPA: 3.93 (7 Classes, 2H, 4A-3B First Sem/ 5A-2B Second Sem)
Junior Weighted GPA: 4.36 (7 Classes, 3AP, 1H, 6A-1B First Sem 5A-2B Second Sem)
Senior Weighted GPA: 4.625 (8 Classes, 3AP, 2H, 8A First Sem/ 3AP, 3H Second Sem)
Top 10%, possibly 5% after last semester
Blue Ribbon School</p>

<p>Extracurriculars and Summer
Work at a Ranch Camp over Summer
Robotics Camp at Berkeley (A-)
Number Theory at Stanford (Ungraded)
Engineering Program at Rose-Hulman (Ungraded)
Water Polo 4yrs, 2yrs varsity, Captain 1yr
Swimming 3yrs, 3yrs varsity
Diving 3yrs, 3yrs varsity, Captain 2yrs
Created the "Rubik's Clube"
Badmitton and Ultimate Frisbee Teams
Climbing and Juggling Clubs
Boy Scouts - Eagle Scout - Order of the Arrow (Brotherhood)
Student Representative to the Department Chair Council
Senior Class Treasurer</p>

<p>Essays and Recommendations
Math Rec: Quite good, she's a good writer, likes me, and taught me 2yrs
Other Teacher Rec: Should also be good. Swim coach, World Hist. Teacher, taught me 1.25yrs
Counselor Rec: Me and her get along quite well
Other Thing: One of the Boy Scout leaders was a Penn alum, he heard I was applying, and offered to write to one for me for Penn and MIT (apparently he's big in the MIT and Penn Engineering things). Should be good
Essays: I'm not a great writer, but I'd say most were pretty above average for me, my common app long was about engineering + me.</p>

UPenn (M&T Program and Engineering)
CMU (Computer Science & Engineering Schools)
Johns Hopkins
Harvey Mudd
UC Berkeley

<p>Anyways, I've just really been looking at chance threads, and would just like a 3rd party's glance at it. Thanks guys. Chance me if ya want, sorry about the long read. I'll chance you in return if you post a link to your thread.</p>

<p>To be honest im only really familar with UC Berkeley and UCLA since Im from CA as well and I only applied in-state. </p>

<p>UC Berkely - In/ low match (im 98% confident you'll get accepted there)
UCLA - high match/ low reach (UCLA is odd, they accept some ppl with great stats yet some they dont. I think personal statments hold a lot wieght with them) </p>

<p>My thread:
<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/641938-cal-poly-ucsb-pepperdine-other-ucs-csus.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/641938-cal-poly-ucsb-pepperdine-other-ucs-csus.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>


<p>Oh, I forgot to say, I'll chance back. (name isn't I'm hoping for a chance someone will chance me, but rather we can exchange chances).</p>

<p>I'm basically applying to the same schools as you are, in California!! Your extracurriculars are wayyyy better than mine are haha. I think you have a good chance at UC Berkeley, Harvey Mudd, Johns Hopkins, and UCLA (I don't know about the other ones that much. They're pretty unpredictable, except for Cal Tech, which likes summer programs and math awards.) A chance for a chance? :D</p>

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/650021-ayuda-por-favor-arigato-usc-ucsd-ucla-uc-berkeley-stanford-cal-tech.html#post1061793424%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/650021-ayuda-por-favor-arigato-usc-ucsd-ucla-uc-berkeley-stanford-cal-tech.html#post1061793424&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>UPenn (M&T Program and Engineering)
CMU (Computer Science & Engineering Schools)
Johns Hopkins
Harvey Mudd
UC Berkeley

<p>Thanks for the chance. A lot of your schools are super-competitive, which make them nearly impossible to predict, but I'll give it a shot.</p>

<p>Penn- 50/50
Cornell- In, I have a friend who got in with lower stats/ECs than you
MIT- 50/50. Everyone applying there is a straight up genius
Caltech- In
CMU- no familiar with is, but I'd assume you're in
John Hopkins- 75%
Harvey Mudd- not familiar
UC Berkley- in
UCLA- 75%</p>

<p>sorry i'm from the South, so my familiarity with CA is schools is fairly limited.</p>

<p>I would give you very low chances for Penn M&T because of its selectivity (not much you can do to make yourself better). Letters , legacy, and other hooks also don't for the program (at least that's what I've heard).</p>

<p>Thanks for the honest feedback, I'd far prefer it to ones that just boost my ego/confidence. Yea... I know my M&T chances are low (1%). I just really want to be an engineering manager. Ah well, if only I tried earlier in school... and they didn't have science on the ACT.</p>

<p>But you know what they say, you don't have a chance if you don't apply. You got a chance thread Millhouse?</p>

<p>Honestly I would say you are in for all of them. I guess the only thing that matters is the essay, although as far as I know, essays aren't that important to Cal-tech, but then again I could be wrong.</p>

<p>And UCLA is a crapshot(they accept some people with okay stats while rejecting those with great stats), but you are very qualified.</p>

<p>honest opinion- youre most likely in all of them, because low range ivies like cornell dont demand an extraordinary EC's... surprisingly. and it seems like you have enough.. i mean captain of 3 sports teams?? yeah. so your prolly in at most school on the list</p>

<p>UPenn (M&T Program and Engineering)- Low reach
Cornell- High match
MIT- Low reach
Caltech- High match, low reach
CMU (Computer Science & Engineering Schools)- In
Johns Hopkins- Match
Harvey Mudd- High match
UC Berkeley- In
UCLA- You should be accepted here, I don't know if you will be. </p>

<p>Good luck! Chance me back if you can.</p>

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/650740-brown-kid-wants-go-college-cornell-nyu-bc.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/650740-brown-kid-wants-go-college-cornell-nyu-bc.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>You have got a good shot at those schools. As they are the best in the country, it's basically a crapshoot for most of those schools. You should apply to a few safety schools, but you are bound to get into a couple of those schools with your gpa, ecs, and test scores. I'm pretty sure you'll get into Cornell, UCLA, Berkeley, and Johns Hopkins. The rest of the schools I can't say or don't know enough about them to chance you.</p>

<p>Yea, I've got a few safeties, just not really a use in putting them on the list when I already know the outcomes (it would just be more work for you guys).</p>

<p>Wow. your stats are unbelievable.
but the thing is that you're reaching for incredibly competitive schools.
Good GPA, although most the colleges you are going for like as many A's as possible, and you have quite a few Bs, SAT, excellent EC(i thought my EC was impressive...haha)
I'd say
Cornell-low reach
MIT-mid reach
Caltech-low/mid reach
John Hopkins-in/low reach
Harvey Mudd-in
UC Berkeley-in

<p>Thanks for chancing me. Nice ECs.....</p>

<p>UPenn (M&T Program and Engineering) - Reach
Cornell - Low Reach, good chances
MIT - Reach
Caltech - Reach
CMU (Computer Science & Engineering Schools) - Mid Reach, engineering at CMU is hard to get into, Good chances though
Johns Hopkins - low reach, good chances.
Harvey Mudd - Match
UC Berkeley - Match
UCLA - Match</p>

<p>you stand out in the summer programs and the fact that you are a 3x captain, so that shows leadership well. i would say that you have a good shot at all of these except UCLA, Penn and MIT because they are just way too hard to predict. (i dont mean you dont have a shot, its just such a crapshoot!)</p>

<p>good luck! chance me?</p>

<p>UPenn: Reach
Cornell: low Reach
MIT: Reach
Caltech: Low reach
JHU: Low reach
Harvey Mudd: Low Reach
UC Berkeley: Match
UCLA: Match</p>

<p>Please chance me, too!
<a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/652011-chances-cmu.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/652011-chances-cmu.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Your academics and ECs are quite impressive. You seem to have connections (UPenn alum to use as a tool for you) that will work out for you.</p>

<p>UPenn (M&T Program and Engineering)-reach
CMU (Computer Science & Engineering Schools)-reach
Johns Hopkins-low reach
Harvey Mudd-match
UC Berkeley-in

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/652085-chances-following-schools-asian-pa-resident-first-gen-junior-hs.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/652085-chances-following-schools-asian-pa-resident-first-gen-junior-hs.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>That’s a very impressive resume. I’d say your two hardest are Upenn and MIT, and the others are high matches for you. When I say hardest however, I’m saying around 50/50. Your test scores are outstanding, however your GPA might be just a BIT low for those two schools. Everywhere else you shouldn’t have to worry…you’ll do great. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks again for your chance for me at Notre Dame! Hope we both get into our top choices!</p>