A couple questions

<li>I’ve heard that UA is full of rednecks and hicks. I don’t mean to be accusing, but is this true? Is everyone a conservative hunter or a homemaking husband-seeker?</li>
<li>Does anyone have the presidential scholarship? Can you tell me what that’s like?</li>

<li>I am from South Texas (home of the rednecks and hicks). I did not see one when I have visited campus (four times).</li>
<li>My D has the Presidential. It like not having to pay tuition for four years</li>

<p>1. I’ve heard that UA is full of rednecks and hicks. I don’t mean to be accusing, but is this true? Is everyone a conservative hunter or a homemaking husband-seeker?</p>

<p>Absolutely not true! If you visited the website, you’d see very normal career seeking young men and women. [The</a> University of Alabama](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>http://www.ua.edu/)</p>

<p>Bama is pretty middle of the road politically…liberals and conservatives. It was Obama land during 08 election.</p>

<p>Here’s a video… [‪The</a> University of Alabama College of Arts & Sciences "This is How College is Meant to Be"‬‏ - YouTube](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube) </p>

<p>Also, Bama is about 45% OOS students…students coming from all 50 states.</p>

<p>Sounds like you hang around some pretty closed-minded people…get out more and expand your horizons. :)</p>

<li>Does anyone have the presidential scholarship? Can you tell me what that’s like? </li>

<p>About 450-500 frosh each fall have the Presidential scholarship. It’s great…free tuition for 4 years.</p>

<p>Now, why don’t you tell us more about yourself…your stats, your major, etc.</p>

<p>Yessir it’s all trues. In fac we jess got this here internet service down here just last month. Nows I can send these email thingys to my cousin Jim Bob in Tennessee and tell him all about the deers I kilt last week.</p>

<p>My Daisy is in the kitchen right now fixin us up some vittles. Wow wee that lil woman can cook some possum stew. There ain’t much leftovers though as our 9 boys and 3 girls sures can eats. Not sures whats we gonna do next month when Daisy gives birth to lil Cooter jr jr jr jr.</p>

<p>Nows we aint as sophisticatededed as yous city folk from boston. I means we only make our ice tea one jar at a time. Yous city folk sure wasa smart to think of making a whole harbor full of the stuff for drinkin all summer.</p>

<p>If yous haves any more questions you’d likes to ask of us down here you can call me on my telephone. I’m campbells soup can #184786. I look forwards to talkin with you and hope to see my string vibrate soon so wes can talk alls about huntin and fishin.</p>


<p>I’ve heard that everyone from Massachusetts are elitist, snobby, politically liberal, rich Irish Catholic corrupt mobsters that hang out at the yacht club wearing a blazer while drinking brandy with the Kerry’s and the Kennedy’s…
Is that true? ; ></p>

<p>Come on…</p>

<p>My Daisy is in the kitchen right now fixin us up some vittles.</p>

<p>Now, NJ, I thought we told you that we don’t cotton to hitchin’ up with your sissy. I guessing that’s still ok up there in your parts of New Joisey? We nows limits y’all to your first cousins…but only if theys hot like fried okra.</p>

<p>Ok…enough of this.</p>

<p>Alabama is like every other university…only better.</p>

<p>Can’t we all just get along? LOL</p>

<p>I can’t even explain how hysterically I’m laughing right now.</p>

<p>I think we may have scared him or her away.</p>


I think this just about sums it up.</p>

<p>Hell I’m surprised we weren’t asked if we all wore white sheets and owned slaves. But I guess as long as you throw in the “I don’t mean to offend” comment, you can ask whatever you like and it’s ok.</p>

<p>What’s ironic is that some of these posters don’t see the ignorance in asking about the ignorant stereotypes of an entire state.</p>

<p>kylearobb, </p>

<p>I’m pretty impartial, my family is originally from Nantucket,
I’ve spent lots of time on the East Coast
I’ve lived all over, from Alaska to Florida, now in Ohio</p>

<p>What you may notice if you visit UA is;
The people are much more friendly and helpful
Better manners
Better drivers
Flowers in winter
Everything costs less
Winters are not hell, but no snow skiing.
The rivers don’t freeze - rowers seem to like that.</p>

<p>BTW: kylearobb in a prior post said she was in the Girl Scouts</p>



<p>NJ, you now killing deer out of season? What the . . . ? You finally eradicate all the Tigers in Joisey?</p>

<p>Loved your post. Had to wipe the tears from my eyes with my sheet.</p>

<p>Well bless his heart…amazing what they teach kids “up there”.</p>

<p>Let’s pretend that you are not nearly as prejudiced as your question is, because we know that you are from an open-minded, tolerant, diversity-loving part of the country, where the people are so intellectually superior they would never make assumptions about a different group of people, without first hand experience.</p>

<p>I’m a 7th generation Long Islander, living in Tennessee. The comparisons will be close enough to give you a starting place.</p>

<p>Yes, people are Conservative here, even the Democrats. Southerners believe in right and wrong, and it is different than what a northern Democrat believes. More people in the South go to church and they pray in Jesus’ name. Be ready to be invited to church. A simple no thank you will win you more friends than ‘F off’ will. The flag is not something to be offended by in the south. Some people will even fly the Confederate flag. Learn what it means to them before spouting off your opinion. </p>

<p>Yes, many people will be hunters. They may have had their picture in the paper with their first deer when they were 8. Deal with it. Husband hunting is something that goes on everywhere. Every little girl has played wedding. </p>

<p>As for food, there are no pizzas, bagels, cold cuts, delis or doughnuts, like you’re used to. You’ll adapt to the available substitutes, but they are not the same. The water will taste funny at first. </p>

<p>Don’t believe the stereotype that Southerners talk slow, because many don’t. Get used to phrases like ‘fixin to’, and ‘done did’. Get used to hearing ‘yes, sir’, and ‘no, ma’am’ often. Just because people live at a slower pace doesn’t mean they are slower in their thinking. Now if you can handle real diversity come on down. If you only want the phony kind where people look different but think the same, stay up north.</p>

<p>Oh my … laughing out loud at my desk! That was priceless NJ. </p>

<p>But I do have agree that we are getting those comments when we tell others that Alabama is my DD’s first choice. We were at a wedding and as soon as someone mentioned her FB post about our visit the jokes and comments started: “oh she has too many teeth to go there” “Well that will be some easy A’s for her” “No will date her cause she won’t have a first cousin there” etc, etc. I was really offended and annoyed. Tried to explain all that UA has to offer and they all just looked down their Big 10 noses at us. Ughhhh</p>

<p>I was talking to a friend who lives in Birmingham and they told us they called it “Stupid Southern Syndrome”! Where Northerner’s think anyone and everyone from down South is beneath them intellectually. </p>

<p>Very frustrating!</p>

<p>And to show you the geographic diversity that the University of Alabama attracts-- every poster above is originally from a state other than Alabama – and they have all come to love UA. RTR</p>



<p>Ah, yes, Stupid Southern Syndrome. Rich with delicious irony unrecognized by its practitioners.</p>

<p>And… adding to NJBAMA…</p>

<p>wens i was a gradiating bac in the 1970’s from alabanana, and gots me a goot job, the first ting i done did was do like my uncle jed and bougt me a fancy eating table and puts me in a cement pond. </p>

<p>i hav bin tryin to get hold of you NJBAMA, butt i keeps gettin a busy signal. is your can off the hook?</p>

<p>As I’m sure that Yankee Belle will attest, you should have heard the comments when we were relo’ing to TN from NJ. So really few comments when D chose UA, except from the other SEC graduates on our block who were rooting for her to go to their school (Georgia, LSU, Kentucky, Ole Miss.)</p>

<p>Yankee Belle: I live in “Big City South” TN so you’d better come visit here: I’ve got 3 pizza places in town where the owners hail from NYC, AND they’re putting a Dunkin Donuts in right across from my house :slight_smile: Publix carries capocollo, prosciutto, and sopressata. We also have Corrieri’s Formaggeria, Lazzaroli Pasta and Savarino’s Cucina Bakery.</p>

<p>Well, Rob I’m down south on the Alabama border. If I can get the team hitched up to the wagon, I might just mosey on up. I’d like me some Dunkin Donuts. Krispy Kreme just doesn’t do it.</p>

<p>Krispy Kreme is great when the glazed donuts are hot and fresh. But Dunkin Donuts wins hands down for every other kind of donut IMHO.</p>