A few general questions about the transfer process

<p>Hi, I'm a second semester junior and (sadly) I've come to the realization that my gpa is too low for me to get into a top tier school. However, I do have a decent SAT score (>2100) and URM status and so I think I can get into one of my dream schools (UChicago, UPenn, Cornell) as a transfer student. I do have a few general questions about transferring though.</p>

<p>-If I apply as a rising sophomore, do colleges need my hs transcript? If they do, do they weigh it as much?</p>

<p>-I'm taking the SAT again in May, how much would a score >2300 help?</p>

<p>-Do I realistically have a shot at Wharton, U Chicago, or Cornell?</p>

<p>Rising sophomores will generally require high school transcripts, and they will be weighed heavily. Think of it this way: even though you will have been in school for a year by decision time, they will only have one semester of college work to go by. You would be better off applying as a rising junior and spending your last two years at a new school.</p>

<p>I can’t say for sure how a new SAT score would affect your chances. It sounds like your score is solid already, and maybe that isn’t the area you should be working on. Instead, see what kind of clubs and activities are available at the school you <em>will</em> be attending in the fall. Involvement is just as important as academic success when transferring to top schools.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>