<p>So, I have been doing some research on how I can somehow graduate early from a UC or CSU once I graduate high school and the options I have are taking classes at my community college and/or taking the CLEP while in college. Anyway, I have decided to take classes at my community college and transfer the credits/units to my future university (I really want to go to UCLA, UCSD, or USC for a B.A. in English)! The only thing that I am truly unsure of is the whole Junior level transfer thing and what high school years I should take these classes... On this website "University</a> of California - California community college transfers" it has transfer information, and when I was reading it I wondered if it applied to high school students who take community college classes. I'm currently a freshman in high school and would like to start taking classes, but I'm not sure if I should wait until I'm a Junior or Senior and if this Junior level transfer to a university applies to me! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!</p>
<p>Im currently taking classes at my community college classes and the policy at that college is that you have to be at least in 10th grade before you are allowed to take the classes. You should check the policy for your community college. Make sure you take classes that are UC transferable not just CSU. BTW, it also looks good on college apps. Good Luck:)</p>
<p>you’re a freshman in high school and you want to start taking college classes</p>
<p>for an english degree</p>
<p>this can’t be life</p>
<p>You need to at least wait until this year/sophomore year is over to find out what you’re truly passionate about.</p>
<p>plus why rush a disappointing career and ultimately unfulfilled life?</p>
<p>Rush a disappointing career? Find what I’m truly passionate about? Sorry, but I wasn’t asking for advice on my choice of degree. If I like it, it won’t be disappointing to me. Also, I have many other future plans which you people know nothing about! Keep your opinions out of this. I asked for help. Thanks!</p>
<p>I’m trying to help you avoid the crushing failure that your life is destined to be.</p>
<p>Again, your opinion does not matter to me. I will do what I please, and AGAIN you have no knowledge of my plans after I get my English degree.</p>
<p>[CaliforniaColleges.edu</a> - Admission Requirements](<a href=“http://californiacolleges.edu/admissions/california-community-colleges/admission-requirements.asp]CaliforniaColleges.edu”>http://californiacolleges.edu/admissions/california-community-colleges/admission-requirements.asp)</p>
<p>You are 18 years of age or older, with or without a high school diploma</p>
<p>Unless there’s a program in your school that allows students under 18 to have dual-enrollment, don’t think about it right now.</p>
<p>IDK about sophomore year but you cetainly need to take some time before determining your passion.</p>
<p>It isn’t an opinion. I’m seeing your future. A future that is very lonely and full of cats.</p>
<p>I was helping. And I’m giving you very valuable advice. Colleges love to see passion; they don’t like it when you take a college course just because it’s a college course. It’s good that you are thinking ahead, but focus on high school for now. It will make your life so much easier. Now if you take this class, and realize it’s truly your passion, then do more things related to English/Composition/whatever. And a course in English is kind of vague. What specifically do you want to pursue? Composition? Literature? Be an English teacher? Journalism? There are limited things you can do with English and that’s why we say that you should at least see if there is anything more spontaneous you would like to try.</p>
<p>One last thing. I don’t know how good you are at “English” but without having been taught comp/lit/whatever your school offers, it would be extremely difficult to obtain a decent grade in a college course. A college course, even that of a community college, is not your average high school freshman course. It can probably be compared to an AP course. (are you taking AP comp or AP lit?)</p>
<p>Best of luck. :)</p>
<p>Thanks for a mature, decent response jesskidding! I am very interested in Journalism, as I am the only freshman out of juniors/seniors (approved to be) writing for my school newspaper. My school does not offer AP Comp or AP Lit, just Honors/AP English. I am currently in Honors English which I find to be extremely easy. I am passionate about English, so I would not be taking these courses “just because I can”. After reading yours and others responses, I have put consideration into taking these courses during my junior and senior year of high school.</p>
<p>I’m a senior in High School and I’m taking college classes at a Community College. I’m double majoring in English and History. Most likely, you must complete your sophomore year in high school before starting at a community college. I, however, did most of my AP work last year and am at the college now.<br>
May I suggest that you avoid taking English classes at the community college (unless you need more credit hours). Get your other subjects out of the way and ,if possible, take your English classes through the AP/IB program at your school. I’m currently taking AP Biology at the high school and I already finished College Algebra (the only math class I needed in college) last semester. Now I’m finished with my college level math without even being finished with high school! This semester I AM taking an English class only because I was not at the high school the only period that AP Lit was offered. </p>
<p>If you have any more questions inbox me. You’ll most likely have to pay your own way. My college gave out on fee waiver for a class last semester and I snatched that up for my Algebra class. You may be eligable for a scholarship, but you’re not going to be eligable for financial aid.</p>
<p>Please avoid speaking in the future.</p>
<p>David, you’re a nerd. Therefore, you have nothing worth saying. I’d suggest you clean up the ever-growing pile of tissues next to your computer. Also, quit molesting your Skyrim character with your eyes. It’s weird.</p>
<p>^You’re really messed up. Judging from your other posts, you need to quit discouraging people. I don’t know if you’re trying to be funny or trying to ■■■■■ but if you are, it’s certainly not working. It’s one thing if you joke around one time, but it’s another when you keep doing that.</p>
<p>@missmiabelle. It’s great to hear you have some passion And no problem haha. I would suggest, for now, to focus on writing for the school newspaper and never quit
You have a very likely potential to become Editor-in-Chief as no other freshman is competing against you! I would also advise you to take a Journalism course instead of a regular English course at your college (I don’t know what courses that colleges would offer).</p>