A fun summer?

So tomorrow I will be pre-scheduling for Summer session. I will be taking two classes:
Calculus 1 (5/23-6/27)
General Chemistry 2 (7/5-8/8)

And on august 10 I will be traveling to Madrid!

any feedback?

One class at a time is good.
Keep up with homework…treat this as a full time job.

How’s precalc going? You’ll have to tell us what calc in 5 weeks is like and how that compares to a normal semester pace. I’m curious how much material they’ll include.

Precalc is going pretty well! I have my first test on Friday! And yes I will totally keep you updated!

I’m good focusing on one course, so I will be okay! hopefully, I can make it through it! I took an 8-week course, so I think 5 weeks will be a little faster!