A good bet?

<p>For the Computer Science program, out of state applicant (Connecticut).</p>

<p>I think I can call this school a safety/target. 42 have applied from my high school, the average accepted GPA is 3.38 and the average SAT 1825. Competitive high school in upper-middle class CT.</p>


<p>Freshman GPA: 3.52
Sophomore GPA: 3.52
Junior GPA: 3.75 W, 3.7 UW
Overall GPA: 3.60</p>

<p>SAT Critical Reading: 610
SAT Math: 680
SAT Writing: 680
Total: 1970</p>

<p>My School does not rank.</p>

<p>AP Courses:
Computer Science

<p>3 recommendations (math teacher, club advisor/chem teacher, guidance counselor)</p>


<p>President of Support our Soldiers Club
-Interviewed WW2 Veteran, contributed to National Archive
-Spoke at school ceremonies such as Veterans Day and Memorial Day</p>

<p>100 hours of Red Cross Volunteer work
-Office management, computer database organization, phone duty, etc.</p>

<p>4 Years of Varsity Swimming (I am not interested in being recruited!)</p>

<p>Member of School Atmosphere Committee (Group members selected by school faculty)
-Helped create a video to send to New England Board of Accreditation to display information about our school
-Spread word about school ideals and beliefs in various ways</p>


<p>I am of Hispanic descent.</p>

<p>I will not be applying for financial aid (Is this a hook for an OOS applicant? I would assume so because of the higher tuition/fees.)</p>

<p>You should get in. I had similar stats and was accepted into engineering and honors program. I just had a bit higher gpa than you but you should get in fine.</p>

<p>Sent from my SCH-I400 using CC App</p>

<p>I think your veteran thing will surely help you. This school is big on service.</p>

<p>yeah, you’ll get in. i got into eng with 3.38 and 1850 sat</p>

<p>try other comp sci colleges. you have a good shot at many of them. cornell? upenn? brown? illinois? uwash? gtech?</p>

<p>Your credentials are solid, but you need to raise your GPA to at least 3.7 and improve your CR/math scores by the end of the next fall semester if you want to be invited to the Honors program. Otherwise, you should have a pretty good chance.</p>

<p>@hokie11: I am also applying to Washington and GA Tech (among many others). Don’t want to apply to any Ivies.</p>

<p>@dfmlege: Thanks. I am not interested in the Honors program. Rather than focus on another SAT test in the fall, I am going to work on keeping my GPA around 3.7 which will prove to be more difficult than it did this year.</p>

<p>well i hope you get into your top choice!</p>

<p>Hey I’m a Senior in CS so feel free to ask any questions. </p>

<p>Those stats look good but honestly nothing is guaranteed. I actually was in the same boat as you maybe with a lower GPA and with a 1250(out of 1600) SAT and I got into university studies and easily switched into engineering after my freshman year which is easy as long as you take the required freshman courses at tech and pass. However I was in-state though. </p>

<p>I’ve heard of people with similar stats like me get in and I’ve heard of more competitive students with even 3.7/3.8 GPA’s get denied or put on the wait list. So it’s kind of a luck thing. I think your SAT is strong and may get you in. One thing that they seem to really care about are AP/IB courses. I only took 5 or 6 AP classes total but that was most of what was offered at my High School. </p>

<p>They only give you maybe 250 words for a personal statement which is your essay basically and they really don’t look at extra-c’s and recommendations that much. Tech is mostly a numbers school because of the number of applicants.</p>

<p>Thanks for the information! Glad to hear about the short essay, or statement rather.</p>

<p>@chaz: I do have a few questions regarding job placement at VA Tech. </p>

<p>What percent of seniors have jobs lined up before graduation? In CS?</p>

<p>Would you say that the majority of job offers students receive are in Virginia? I am hoping that employers from cities such as Atlanta or New York look at VA Tech graduates.</p>

<p>I know of a few people who have gotten jobs in Charlotte NC after tech but I am also curious as to where all people from tech get jobs</p>

<p>Sent from my SCH-I400 using CC App</p>

<p>It has just come to my attention that the Computer Science program is within the College of Engineering. Will this hinder my chances? If I apply for University Studies, can I still immediately enroll in the CS program if I decide to attend?</p>

<p>No, you have to wait a semester/year I think, and take the basic engineering course load. Two classes that are engineering only (1st semester class/2nd semester class) can be taken in your second semester (1st semester engineering class) I think, and the 2nd semester engineering class can be taken over the summer. You can still take all the other classes engineering students take, and then transfer into the program your sophomore year. Again, not too sure about all of this.</p>

<p>OK, I’ll just apply directly to the program, it would be foolish not to.</p>

<p>Thanks for the information.</p>

<p>Sorry for the delay, about jobs, I will know more in 6 months as I start the job process this year assuming I graduate this Spring. But I have been to maybe 5 career fairs since I’ve been here and a few CS related ones. Generally there are a lot of Northern Virginia companies/government agencies/contractors that are popular here Ex: Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman and many others. </p>

<p>The two major career fairs (Engineering Expo in the fall, career fair in the Spring) big tech companies like Cisco, Google, Microsoft and some 200 other employers come by and recruit. It’s very competitive though and there’s always a long line to speak to them. </p>

<p>There are also a lot of random recruiters that come by throughout the year as well and you will get e-mails about interview opportunities. If you put your resume in “Hokies4hire” you may get called to an interview at anytime throughout the year too.</p>

<p>However you could surf around the site for specific statistics Ex:
[Virginia</a> Tech Post Graduation Report: Full Report](<a href=“http://www.career.vt.edu/PostGraduationReport/PostGraduationReportByMCU.asp?College=05&Major=CS&Cohort=2008-2009&SortBy=]Virginia”>http://www.career.vt.edu/PostGraduationReport/PostGraduationReportByMCU.asp?College=05&Major=CS&Cohort=2008-2009&SortBy=)</p>

<p>[Starting</a> Salaries | Business Information Technology | Pamplin College of Business | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.bit.vt.edu/startingsalaries.html]Starting”>http://www.bit.vt.edu/startingsalaries.html)</p>

<p>Computer Science has the 6th highest starting salary at Virginia Tech, and close to 90% of grads either had a job lined up or went to grad school. </p>

<p>You can apply online for New York jobs, as long as your good at what you do you should be competitive anywhere with a CS degree.</p>

<p>That’s my hope at least. I’ll know more this time next year.</p>

<p>Wow, excellent information! Thanks a bundle.</p>