<p>Harvey Mudd is a top school of science of science and engineering, and is in fact the only school mentioned thus far that is a "college" and not a "university" (depending on how you define them though I guess).</p>
<p>From the website:
* External review The Physics Department underwent a very successful external review in February, 2004. The report of the team of 3 physicists from leading graduate and undergraduate institutions begins:</p>
<pre><code>“The physics program at Harvey Mudd College is truly excellent and among the very best at undergraduate institutions across the country. The curriculum has been carefully conceived and is effective in providing an outstanding education to students, the faculty are skilled teachers who are extremely accessible and wonderfully supportive to students, the research experiences offered to students are top-notch, the department is an important contributor to the excellence of the institution, and the people in the department enjoy an esprit de corps that allows them to work together quite effectively. In short, the department enjoys the admiration of the administration, the faculty in other departments, the students, and now this review team.
“In reviewing one of the best if not the best physics program at an undergraduate institution, there are no major problems for us to address. ...”
<p>As for engineering, we are ranked #1 among institutions that do not offer doctorates, but thats by USNEWS so take it with a grain of salt (I personally think USN is crap but I also dont care since I am a physics major)</p>
<p>well Purdue is good for engineering, but doesnt even make the gourman list for physics (despite being research oriented). It is an easy in though. </p>
<p>I would look into UW Madison and Georgia Tech as a possible safeties as well.</p>