<p>Dear Parents, </p>
<p>I know you have been answering these kind of posts before, but I would appreciate it a lot if you read this one through and shared your experiences! </p>
<p>I can't decide my college major since I am interested in too many things. I have done so much research on the internet but it just gets me more confused! My mother is French and father American and I have lived in both countries. I am going to do my undergraduate degree in Europe and graduate in the U.S, where I would like to work in the future. I love languages, different cultures, travel, art and music. I am quite ambitious and would like to get a high salary in the future. Still it is very important for me to do what I love and what I am naturally good at. </p>
<p>Here are my choices for undergraduate:
English or another foreign language, political science, social psychology, sociology, geography, art, music
and for graduate:
law school or some of the above (or MBA, but I hate math...)</p>
<p>I think I would get the best grades in english and social psychology and therefore had a better chance to get to a great grad school. Job-wise political science sounds really good ($$), but I don't know If I am genuinely
interested in it (it seems quite theoretical & even difficult at some point).</p>
<p>A dream job in the future would be something creative, challenging, independent but not too stressful. Law school sounds great ($$), but once again I don't know if it would be for me. The job itself sounds interesting but law school doesn't. </p>
<p>I am talented in arts and languages, but wouldn't major in music because of the limited future job prospects and what it comes to arts I am not a picasso, I just have 'a good eye' for things (furnishing, fashion, photography and I am very concerned about how things look).</p>
<p>This big decision that will affect the rest of my life is driving me mad and I would love to hear some wise advice from you. Thank you so much!</p>