<p>I plan to transfer from a liberal arts college to a big engineering school. I am not sure how to compose a nice transfer essay because there is a big difference between a liberal arts major and an engineering major. Can anybody provide me some tips about what should I mention in the essay to justify my decision?</p>
<p>Well, let’s start with the actual reason you have come to choose Engineering at this point. A course you took? An interest you had once wanted to pursue but tried the liberal arts and don’t want to keep on with it? … Whatever. That is the place to start. If you tell a little bit more about what is inspiring you to change, we can better help.</p>
<p>You can still stay at a LAC and do very well. One of the Claremont colleges is very strong in engineering ( I think Grinell?) and Bucknell has very strong undergrad engineering programs.</p>
<p>As far as advice, I wish I could give you some but I’m struggling with practically the same issue because I changed my prospective major from molecular biology to BME and I wouldn’t want to misguide you!</p>
<p>Here is the fact. I have always been interested in science technology. However, when I graduate from HS, I figured that I need to more humanity courses. Later, I realize a liberal arts college is too small and does not possess the capacity to offer many cutting-edge research opportunities.</p>
<p>Hm…Don’t a lot of them have 3/2 programs? Have you looked into that?</p>
<p>ccTranser10: It is true that we have 3/2 programs. But I discover a disadvantage, that is, I would miss many chances of high-level research opportunities and working on project teams in the first three years. Engineering schools have many exciting project teams that students can get hands-on experience.</p>
<p>Ohh alright. Well I feel like you know enough about it to justify it in the essay. I think you will be fine :)</p>
<p>Grinell is in the midwest; the Claremont Colleges are in California. Perhaps cctransfer10 is thinking of Harvey Mudd (post #3).</p>
<p>To the OP: I think that your posts #5 and (especially) #7 are a good basis for your Why Transfer essay.</p>
<p>It is also important that you have the right coursework under your belt for an Engineering transfer. I hope that you have already started on the Physics/Calc/Chem or Bio/Computer Programming basics. If not, you should be doing that asap. Transferring into Engineering programs without those is extremely tough.</p>
<p>Andale is right. I should elaborate on issues on posts #5 and #7.</p>
<p>And as Andale mentions the importance of course preparation, I have a concern. By the end of spring semester, I will have had 2 phy (modern phy and electronics), 2 math (calculus 2 and linear algebra). Now I am wondering to which one to take, a chemistry course or a computer science class if I apply for EE?</p>
<p>And whichever I choose,I still cannot meet all the requirement, lacking either chemistry or computer. So do I need tell them about my special situation?</p>
<p>I’m not sure about that, AspiriN. </p>
<p>If I were you, I’d check the various schools you’re thinking of… see what their freshman curricula are. I recall that my S had both Chem and CProgramming before he transferred… but the school he transferred to had most EE students taking the Chem in soph year. I don’t think it will be a big issue.</p>
<p>But you might contact the school(s) you’d most like to enter and see what their advice is on which to choose.</p>