So... from our school, we had 7 or 8 people apply to Stanford early, and this morning I found out that all of them were rejected. Not even any deferrals...</p>
<p>So here is my dilemma. I do like Stanford, and I was originally planning on applying RD. But given the recent turn of events... Part of me feels like applying to Stanford RD would be rather moot... The 7 or 8 that applied early included some of the top candidates of my class (valedictorian included), and if I did apply early... I don't think I would be first or second in that bunch (maybe 3-5?)... </p>
<p>Given the results of our early candidates, do you think I should switch out Stanford for another school? Will the results of candidates from our school to Stanford early affect those of us applying under RD?</p>
And congrats to all of those that have received favorable responses. :)</p>
<p>Like the previous 2…there is absolutely nothing to lose…cept maybe $75</p>
<p>Who cares that the others are valedictorian. Ivy league schools commonly reject people with perfect SATs and GPAs. Grades are only a portion of the pie.</p>
<p>If you have something you’re good at, a talent that makes you unique, you stand a better chance than the other 8. Make sure you present yourself as someone who can bring something different and unique to Stanford.</p>
<p>I believe they want something called “diversity”. Idk something like that =D</p>