<p>Hi. Im looking to go into a business related field and eventually save enough money some I can become an entrepreneur. I have a boatload of questions to ask, answering as many as possible would be greatly appreciated!</p>
<p>I am currently a Sophomore.</p>
<p>I am looking to go to an undergrad college that has a business school or specializes in business. Some schools that interest me are Notre Dame, Babson, Bently, Bryant, Georgetown, and UNC. </p>
<p>1) Should I take 3 years of Spanish? So far I have taken 2 but I want to take an elective (Honors Micro/Macro Economics). However, Spanish is the only class I would be allowed to substitute an elective for. Would this hurt my chances of getting into certain colleges? The Econ class sounds like a solid class with a lot of practical applications, so would this balance out the fact that I am not taking 3 years of language in the eyes of most colleges? Or would it hurt me? </p>
<p>2) Should I go for the expensive, highly ranked business schools or the cheaper ones? I want my college loans to be manageable but if the better schools are worth it (will make me more $ out of college) that would work out well too. I know some people go to the cheaper schools and then go to a more expensive graduate program but I am not sure if I am going to go back to get a grad degree.</p>
<p>3) I want to double major. Would Business with a concentration on Entrepreneurship and Accounting be good choices?</p>
<p>4) What are some good, possibly ranked business schools that are cheaper than most (under 30k / year?)</p>
<p>Thanks a ton.</p>