A proposal to abolish EA/ED

Doesn’t it seem that the purpose of having Early Decision (and Action) programs is slowly fading? Why is it that so many people have to “debate” or choose between schools at which they want to apply ED? Isn’t the point of the system to reward those students who KNOW they want to go to a single certain school, not to encourage applicants to pursue ED for the sake of “boosting chances” or whatever?

I don’t know … I just get very fed up when I see threads like “OMG where should I apply ED!!!11111” It seems like it’s become such an abused system.

<p>get over it, it really isn't that big of deal</p>

<p>I definitely understand your concern--but you know, I think abolishing that choice would be unfair to those whom it is aimed towards.</p>

<p>I agree with you Travis, there are a ton of people on here who always ask where they should apply ED, and fail to realize the main purpose of ED. </p>

<p>EA doesn't concern me to much because it isn't binding.</p>

<p>However they should definetly eliminate ED and maybe replace it with single choice EA or just plain EA like some schools have.</p>

<p>Another thing that I always find funny when someone applies ED and later comes out crying that "they didn't give me enough financial aid".</p>

<p>the vast majority of people on this site have a 1450 SAT 3.7 GPA...and absolutly no logic...ive never seen such cornballs</p>