<p>Do you think Gettysburg is very fratty? Because it seems to me that all of the good liberal arts colleges in PA are chock full of frat boys that only got in because of lacrosse.</p>
<p>As well what is the general political stance of the campus? Liberal or Conservative?</p>
<p>I think that Gettysburg is 50/50 in this regard. I don't think that lacrosse is the primary reason boys are accepted - I actually think that the school has been more inclined towards any kind of arts or science hook as seeks to be known for more than a fratty/lax-obsessed image.</p>
<p>The students tend to be more conservative than, say, those at Wesleyan, but that is a huge generalization. There is a lot of socially conscious work going on across the campus, and the profs are as liberal as most educated folks in academia are...</p>