<p>Basically, I'm screwed.</p>
<p>I just got back from my foreign exchange in Germany, which took up my whole junior year. Unfortunately, I did not find out about it until September of my sophomore year, and my classes were locked in. In other words, I learned I had to do two years of coursework in one year (plus summers). Well, I managed it, or at least will have by the time I graduate. I took four community college courses (ENG101, MAT110, Public Speaking, Art History 101) my sophomore year in addition to my 8 high school courses. This year (my school uses 4x4 block scheduling) I will be taking CP Physics, CP Chem, AP English, and AP Calculus at my school. In addition I will be taking US History 201 and English 102 at the local community college. I'm very rusty at the moment, as my school in Germany was taught completely in German. I did a complete immersion program for no credit (for some reason at an advanced German school) so it was difficult to participate in class with native speakers. I feel like my math and English abilities, along with everything I learned in science and history classes, have diminished to dust!</p>
<p>I was aiming at Georgetown before I left for exchange, which requires 3 subject tests. Then, I changed my mind and wanted to opt for my state university's honors program. After some serious summer thinking and researching (happens rarely), I fell in love with Brown and fell in love once again with Georgetown. I find myself needing 2 subject tests for Brown and 3 for Georgetown. And applications are due January!!</p>
<p>I also have to take the SAT1 again..I could only take it my sophomore year as I was gone, and my score was subpar to Brown or Georgetown.</p>
<p>I want to take German with Listening in November, it's the only testdate. I understand everything I hear and can make conversation effortlessly. However, I've never had a day of instruction in my life. I read German novels and so on and try to teach myself grammar, but I'm worried that my lack of 'proper classroom German' could hinder me. Anyone with experience?</p>
<p>I've always had a knack for math. I had Algebra 1, 2, and Geometry. I should have taken Pre-Cal last year, but I was forced to take College Algebra last summer at the community college. My Geometry teacher begged me to take APCal for my senior year..I'm worried, but she's convinced I'll catch up. Do you think I'll be able to do the MathII by November? Or should I take the MathI?</p>
<p>Other than that, I have no clue what to take. I didn't get to take APUSH, that only works in 11th grade. I would love to take World History, but it's not offered on this date. I can only take College-Prep Chemistry and Physics because of scheduling conflicts. Would I be able to handle the Physics SATII by November? It's a semester class, btw. I know Lit would be a pain and with my horrible English at the moment I don't know if I could do it.</p>
<p>Blah, I suck.
Haha Brown would probably have to be nuts to accept me..</p>