<p>let's say you're in this situation, not me... just tell me what you would do. </p>
<p>let's say you're in college and holding a pretty stable job. it's a government job so it's quite secure.. you most likely won't get fired unless you screw up terribly bad. it's quite relaxing too.. you're only required to work 35 hr/wk, but if you want more hours, you can do that too.. even as "full time", and you never have to bring home any work. however, you don't particularly care for the job.. it's not exactly your dream job... and you find the relaxation part has made you lazy. it's not that rewarding, and unless you get a masters, you'll never get paid more than 40k/year. would you be content with doing this your whole life... or would you be like, screw all this security, i'm going to do something exciting with myself. all depends on opinion, i guess. would you play it safe and have a secure income flowing in that isn't so high... or would you take a risk at something you love? but what if you're not even sure what else you want to do with yourself? would you continue exploring, or just play it safe? </p>
<p>i have this option laying in front of me, and i'm thinking, it's pretty sweet... to be set your whole life. but i'm getting bored of it... and it's making me so lazy, i don't even want to go to work. i guess i'm one of those people that, if you work me up, i can be so diligent and get a lot of things done.. but if you give me all this free time and the chance to be lazy, i can get ridiculously lazy. and in the long run, i would hate to be lazy.</p>