A Tax on Tuition in Pittsburgh?



<p>A little perspective please. I am sure you and your friends waste $100 to $200 at Starbucks a year - which is the same amount this tax would cost you. And if you go elsewhere (ie farther away) , your $100 to $200 savings will quickly be eaten up in additional gas / other costs to travel further away</p>

<p>The amount is minimal when you look at the overall cost of attendance and anyone who makes a decision to go elsewhere based on such a small amount isn’t thinking straight</p>



<p>Just one note - the city does not run nor financially manage the bus service. Your Pitt fee may indeed support your student’s bus pass, but the Port Authority is not a city entity</p>

<p>Each student pays a transportation per semester and I think it is $150. When I access the bill later I will confirm. This is at University of Pittsburgh.</p>