A100 with Winston

<p>Anybody taking A100 with Prof Vivian Winston know if it will still be a weed-out class? I think a lot of people did not take it with Tiller the first eight weeks thinking it might be easier with Winston. Also, when is the mid-term for her A100 sections?</p>

<p>I can tell you they got the practice tests a full week before Tiller’s kids…</p>

<p>so its better to take it 2nd sem. of freshman yr?</p>

<p>I’m in it now, and I assure you, it is still a weed-out class. Winston said she made the test herself, but Tiller “tweaked” it. </p>

<p>One thing that freaked me out…a TA after class today said Tiller looked over her test and said it was even harder than the ones he makes. Not good news…My impression was that Winston modeled her test after Tiller’s past exams.</p>

<p>Take A100 when you have an overall easy schedule so you have time to devote to the class. I would recommend, however, taking it in the first 8-weeks, as I’ve noticed teachers like to pile on assignment upon assignment towards the end of the semester…not the most pleasant experience, and studying for A100 doesn’t help much.</p>

<p>The mid-term is tomorrow (11/19) from 9:15 to 11:15pm.</p>

<p>Same time as the people in the first 8 weeks.</p>

<p>I talked to Tiller TWICE on the issue (so what, i’m a suck-up teachers pet, you have a problem with that? lol) and he said that the test scores on Vivian’s test were much higher then the average scores of A100 for the first 8 weeks (she wrote ours too). He also said that he wanted her to start writing tests early in our class to get a feel for the “difficulty level” of the class. That’s why he tweaks it.</p>

<p>My son is trying to get into A205 honors accounting via the waitlist, and is currently #2 on the list for one of the sections, which hasn’t budged since he got on it last week. I doubt if he can get in unless some direct admits already in A205 are taking Winston’s A100 and don’t pass it. He wants to avoid A201, which is weed-out too. One of last semester’s A201 sections had an average class gpa of 1.88. Ouch.</p>

<p>I can assure you A201 is much easier than A100. A100 is like the hardest class I’ve ever taken…and that includes i-core.</p>

<p>IF you have a 3.6 gpa and received a c in a100 should you worry about being accepted into kelly?</p>

<p>A followup about the new A100 teacher, Winston sent out this in an email:</p>

<p>The average score (ignoring extremely low scores, and after the curve was applied - by multiplying the number of correct answers by 3.27) was about 74%. There were 18 “perfect” scores (all 33 questions correct). Over 1/3 of the class earned grades of “A” or “B”.</p>

<p>that’s a sweet curve! I hope that curve is there for the first 8 weeks next semester.</p>

<p>Sweet curves means the class did bad…</p>