AA or BA degree in nursing

I am planing to be a Registered Nurse, but kind of confused which path should I go BA degree or just a AA degree cause both require 1 year on waiting list here in California before joining the program???

If you can be accepted into a program and can afford it, it is best to earn a BSN degree. It will give you wider employment choices than just having an associates degree. However, an associates degree can make sense for many people. Many people with associates degrees plan to work part time at getting a bachelors degree, particularly if they can find an employer who will subsidize it.,

in eastern NC, you can go to community college for a 3-year ADN. During those 3 years you can take additional classes to cover the foundational classes for a BS. Then you can get a job and finish your BS in Nursing online from East Carolina U, possibly in 1 year.