so i plan on going into the BSN program right out of high school. i have completed some pre-reqs for nursing school at my local community college during high school and will be receiving my associates degree in the spring of 2021. When i go to complete my BSN program i will most likely be taking 2.5 yrs or 3 yrs depending on the remaining pre-reqs. my question is if i do not get admitted to my school’s nursing program what will i do next ? how will i finish my BSN if i don’t go to nursing school ? and also do first degrees need a work experience ?

Apply to more than one nursing school not just the school you’re attending. I also recommend to get your CNA and start working occasionally and get some real world health care experience. It looks good on applications and resumes when you’re done. Most of the aides at my job are nursing or other prehealth care students and some have even changed their minds on what field they chose. Good luck!

CNA is a Certified Nursing Assistant. In most states, the bar is pretty low for this. Just a few weeks of preparation. Often your current school can help facilitate getting the certificate.