AAGHHHH chances?

<p>What are my chances of getting in!</p>

<p>Asian girl from Seattle, at competitive private school</p>

<p>SAT1: 1390
SAT2: WRiting 800
Math 1 700
Math 2 690
Literature 700</p>

<p>gpa 3.85 (unweighted)
Ranked in top 10% of class</p>

<p>Took most rigorous curriculum at school:
Honors Science (all 4 years)
Honors English (all 4 years)
honors math (all 4 years)</p>

<p>Ap classes taken:
AP calc, ap chem (all that my school offers)</p>

<p>National Honor Society
Accomplished pianist of 11 years
250+ hrs of volunteer work (soup kitchens and food distribution organizations, childrens hospital, helping mentally disabled children)
job as paid tutor
Spanish Club
Multicultural Awareness Club
Involved as leader in school activities/retreats (specifically geared towards helping underclassmen)
4 Academic Letters
track and field
who'd who among american high school students
Honor Roll at school</p>

<p>Really good rec's</p>

<p>what are my chances of getting in (if anyone can help!)</p>

<p>You're in Who's Who?! Check one up in the acceptance column.</p>

<p>With that said, you seem to have a very good chance of being accepted, provided you've already applied. If you haven't applied then I would say your chances are getting slimmer by the minute.</p>