AAJA JCamp 2022

I think they have to work with a whole new situation this time. They probably have a lot more applications than last year but they have to cut down their enrollment by half. I do wish they were more transparent with the exact date decisions come out though… I wish there was a way to find out.

Yeah…this year seems to be a crazy one with record number of applications everywhere!

Hopefully they take a holistic approach, because stats-wise my application was super lacking. Either way, I’m sure the 2022 cohort will have some amazing participants this year

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Hope so too!! Good luck!!

You too!!:slight_smile:

when will they release the results :sob:
i can’t even focus on studying for ap tests

I think they’ll be out sometime in the next 2 weeks. In 2018 they came out on May 17th so maybe that’s a tentative date? I physically cant wait that long

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they’re out now! i did get rejected, so if you got accepted you might not have it yet if they’re releasing it in bursts or something, but yeah! good luck to y’all and amazing job if you got in!!!

I just got my acceptance email today! Check your emails, mine ended up in the promotions folder

Congratulations!! Do you mind to share your stats? I got rejected, but want to reapply next year. Any information is appreciated.

My son got rejected. But in his rejection email, they mentioned his application made to the “final round”. The email also says his “application was so strong that we’d encourage you to please try again next year.” Lastly the email says if my son applies next year, he “would be a favorite contender.”

I am wondering whether it means my son’s application is very close to the point of being acceptance or they just send this same rejection email to every one who does not get in?

Thank you! I’m currently a junior. As far as stats go, I have a 4.0 unweighted GPA and a 4.6 weighted GPA. I helped start a school newspaper this year at my high school. Besides that, the experience that I highlighted in my qualification essay was my participation in a program called Sisters in Cinema Newsroom Program as well as an After School Matters Journalism Apprenticeship program. I centered my interview-based podcast series around education inequality based on my experience living in different states and attending different school districts. I named various cabinet members, activists, and teachers that I would like to interview. I did the optional essay about overcoming my social anxiety. Last, I did a YouTube video introducing myself. Honestly, I was a bit nervous watching past introduction videos because they had amazing editing skills. My video was fairly casual but it was authentic to me and told them more about my background.

Sorry, this was so long, good luck for next year!!

This is what mine said:

“We were impressed by your journalism prowess, your tenacity, the clarity with which you tell your own story and your overall character. Please take us to heart when we say that you truly have something special. And if we are honored to have another chance to review your application again, you would be a favored contender.”

Thank you for the reply! That is what is said on their email to my son as well. --:slight_smile: Either you and he will be both "a favored contender” for next year’s application, or they just sent it to everyone who did not get in this time.

I had that same line in my email and I also initially thought that it held some weight. Unfortunately, I think everyone received that. :slightly_frowning_face:

Thank you for your stats, they look great. Have a great time at the camp!