about physics(not about college admission...)

<p>soory to post this thread here...</p>

<p>question..is a liquid crystal a physical property? if not...</p>

<p>what are some physcal properties that can be used to measure temperature using a thermometer...?</p>

<p>50g of ice at 0C is dropped in a beaker containing 100g of water at 0C. what will be the contents of the beaker after 5 hours? assume that the room temperature is 0c.</p>

<p>Is this homework for a class or do you actually care?</p>

<p>Because I could care less. :D</p>

<p>this is final exam question for physics...i copied some question that i might not know when my teacher was gone for a minute.......</p>


<p>no one................</p>

<p>You understand that this would constitute cheating right?</p>

<p>there will be 150g of ice</p>

<p>water is ice at 0c</p>

<p>Please don't use these forums to cheat on your physics test.</p>

<p>And please don't anyone actually help him/her.</p>

<p>Its 147.543g ice and 2.457g water</p>

<p>I can't tell you right now why this is the correct answer, but just trust me.</p>

<p>just dont help me this whole idea was my fault...</p>

<p>w t f is wrong with you?</p>

<p>You are at a forum where most people worked their asses off to get where they are, and you think you can walk in here and ask for them to help you cheat?</p>

<p>well im sorry and i said this whole idea was my fault
i admit my fault.</p>


<p>I don't mean to be an ass, though, so sorry for that.</p>

<p>thats ok it was all my fault from the beginning...</p>