About the Residential college system!

<p>Hi....I was just wondering if someone could tell me which residential college is the best at Rice.</p>

<p>I just got into martel college. Is it good? any input would be appreciated. If someone could tell me the specifics, that would really be a bhelp.</p>

<p>Thanx in advance</p>

<p>btw...any martel resident reading this??</p>

<p>Martel is the shiznit, let me tell you… it’s the newest college, nicest dorms, coolest people (seriously this year’s freshman class is awesome, we are all really tight. you guys better live up to that!), and we just kick ass at everything (powderpuff champions, yeah Violent Femmes)</p>

<p>Oh and the one thing I dislike about Martel is the construction next door that goes on in the morning… but by the time you get to Rice the construction will be done so you got lucky. Martel is probably going to be right in the middle of Rice’s social life next year, since they’re basically moving two whole colleges into Duncan and McMurtry while they renovate two colleges on the south side of campus, so there will be 5 north colleges literally right next to each other, whereas this year the south side of campus was the one with more social activity.</p>

<p>Here’s some info for you: [Martel</a> College Summary](<a href=“http://www.bookrags.com/wiki/Martel_College]Martel”>http://www.bookrags.com/wiki/Martel_College)</p>

<p>did you just get accepted? How do you know what res. college you got into? I thought that that info did not come until May. Personally, I wouldnt mine any of them though my personal favorite is Weiss</p>

<p>never mind. I see that you are a spring transfer</p>

<p>We’re bamfs. We get massive cinnamon rolls on Tuesdays. See you next semester.</p>

<p>Also, pyles_m, the college info came in I think either June or July last year.</p>

<p>I’m in Lovett, but Martel is pretty sweet. There isn’t really a “best” college (unless you’re in Jones or Hanszen, in which case I just feel bad for you), but you’ll see that each college has its own culture. It’s a pretty awesome system.</p>

<p>I am so excited :D</p>

<p>Is each residential college known for something (like generally more football players or band-os)? Or are they mostly very diverse?</p>

<p>they are very diverse because you are randomly selected to be in each one. Now, I’m not sure if they make some “adjustments” or if it is totally completely random. Now, if they do make adjustments, is the college they put you in tailored to your personality? As in, if you like to party, then you’d be in Sid, if you like to study then you’d be in Weiss?</p>

<p>What’s wrong with Jones and Hanszen myrmidon73?</p>

<p>No, they’re all diverse. There are football players everywhere, band people everywhere…at Martel’s birth I believe the class was self-selected and a lot of the athletes moved over so they could all live together, but those classes have already graduated. Each college has all types.</p>

<p>(obligatory edit: they put all the losers in Jones. SUCKIT, JONES)</p>

<p>Curious Beef, I know alot of Martel Freshman, what are your initials?</p>

<p>I would say Martel and Lovett are the fun colleges in terms of parties (except for MPP, WOW) (Sid usually is but their masters have cracked down on them this year)</p>

<p>yojeerdy101, your username here is pretty similar to your aim… you play ball for lovett right?</p>

<p>Myrmidon, nooooooooooo way! Hanszen is effing sweet! I’ll agree with the statement that Jones sucks, though. </p>

<p>It’s been said before, I’ll say it again: Martel is a very nice dorm, but it is NOT a college.</p>

<p>By the way, Weiss and Will Rice are pretty lame, too. Brown is the only college that comes close to being as cool as Hanszen.</p>

<p>But really, the college system rocks, and whatever college you’re in is absolutely the best college in existence.</p>

<p>If you’re a guy, you might end up living in my old room for a few days. Have fun with that.</p>

<p>Martel? Pssh, if you want to live in a closet and shut everyone out of your life, sure. Sid Rich is obviously the best. Check out those bay windows! That college spirit! That towering-over-the-rest-of-the-campus building height!</p>

<p>(In case you hadn’t figured it out, they all have their merits, and everyone is spectacularly biased towards their own college.)</p>

<p>I agree, Sid is definitely the best! You will happy in whichever college you’re assigned. Have fun at Martel!</p>

<p>I’m a freshman at Martel. Basically, we rock. I’m sorry that you missed out on O-week, since thats where the residential colleges brainwash you into loving your college more than anything, but I’m sure that you’ll learn to love it very quickly. Our biggest rival is Jones and everyone who isn’t a Martelian will tell you that Martel is not a college. Its pure jealousy, trust me. If you have more questions, you can message me if you’d like.

<p>WOW…thanx a lot everybody…yea i can observe that everyone is biased towards their own college. But…I think i am going to live offcampus…i will see you all pretty soon!!!</p>