Academic Competitiveness Grant Eligibility?

<p>My school gave me an estimate of how much I would get from the grant if I remain eligible. & I'm a bit worried - I'm not gonna lie senioritis has gotten the best of me. :|</p>

<p>Does anyone know the exact terms of ACG? I checked the student aid website for info, but I'm still a bit confused. The website says "a SECOND year student" is required to maintain a 3.0. For a high school senior who is attending college in the fall (first year student?), are they expected to maintain a specific GPA?</p>

<p>No gpa minimum for high school … just 3.0 at end of freshman year to get 2nd year (year 2) grant. The key is to have (and PASS!!) the necessary courses & submit the final transcript with all courses/grades & graduation date.</p>