<p>You have been presented with some horribly inaccurate information. I’ll break this down for you:</p>
<p>Library: Our library consists of 310,000 volumes in the library itself, and nearly 80,000 volumes of online works. 30,000 journals, 56,000 e-books (the way of the future), and over 400 streaming videos. Our Library is one of the only libraries in the state with 24/7 librarian access. As part of the triangle system, we can pull any book from any school. HPU leaves you with zero excuse to not every every resource you need for a project.</p>
<p>Professors: Currently, 78% of the faculty have doctorates or other terminal degrees; others have one or more master’s degrees…but HPU targets professors who love teaching a subject first and foremost. We care about quality, not egos. HPU is not a research school and we purposely avoid “teachers” who only want to teach to expand on their own personal agenda. My best professors have been adjunct business professors who I guarantee can teach a business course better than some phd with no real world experience. My point here, we have a fantastic staff of professors here. If we lost focus on our holistic education values, this would be a totally different school. While we have many professors with their doctorates, I am proud to say the professors I’ve has without their doctorates have been some of the best. </p>
<p>Thin Course Offering: Not sure what you mean about this one. Never been an issue for me as a student, nor have I ever heard it brought up as an issue. </p>
<p>Dr. Qubein: Not sure how you’re disturbed by him… probably one of the most accessible college presidents in the nation. He transformed this school into what is is today. The school of communication and the presidents library was a gift to Dr. Qubein. He had no idea we were going to dedicate those to him. The man raised $20,000,000 in one month to start the renovation of campus. Naming the building after him was the least we could do. </p>
<p>President Seminar: This is required for freshman during their first semester. This is a FANTASTIC class that no textbook could put into words. Having a class taught by one of the worlds most influential speakers cannot be spun into something negative. He talks about much more than writing a thank you note… in fact I don’t think he even talks about that… He covers subjects such as being a better communicator, time management, energy management, handling personal finances, building wealth in America, getting results, and being more productive. </p>
<p>Don’t try to look at the things we do as something negative. There is a reason for everything here.</p>