<p>I don't know if I belong in Accelerated Elementary Iranian. It says it is for those who have some knowledge of spoken Iranian and I certainly have that. Has anyone taken this class and can comment on how much prior knowledge is enough to take this class without having it be over my head? I can hold a rough conversation in Farsi but I can't read or write. Is this class full of native speakers or people like me?</p>
<p>No need to worry! I took this class last year and I would say I had about as much experience as you. I could understand a lot more Farsi than I could speak and I couldn’t read or write at all. Some people may be able to speak and understand Farsi fluently but, for the most part, everyone is around your level so you shouldn’t worry. She lectures in Farsi, though, but it’s very basic and easy to grasp. You start from square one with reading and writing so you don’t need any prior knowledge of that. This is a really good class and the teacher, Khanoom Hagigi, is a sweetheart. She grades you based on how much you have improved, not in comparison to your classmates’ work. As long as you do your work and try your best then you’ll get an A. Hope this helped!</p>
<p>Yes it did help. Thank you very much!</p>