Acceptance Into UIC

<p>I am currently a student at University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, first year freshman. My major is finance.</p>

<p>I want to go into University of Illinois at Chicago in my 3rd year after my 2nd year studying abroad. But, I somewhat struggled a bit for a freshman. </p>

<p>I fully understand that I need try absolutely hard if I want to get into the business program there. But, I don't have an exact feel as to what I need to do in order to get acceptance. I feel like I need to do more than get good grades such as be involved and join clubs, is this true? Or can good grades alone can get me into the school?</p>

<p>According to their website it says I need at least a 2.75 GPA, English 101, English 102, Finite Math (can anybody explain what this is? I asked the people at my school and they had no idea, they said it was a science class), and Calculus 101/Business Calculus</p>

<p>For grades I have
Chinese 101 - A (5 credits)
Japanese 101 - C (5 credits) (still don't know the final result of my grade, my teacher hasn't graded everything)
BUS ADM 230 - C- (or a B-, if my professor decides to bell curve the whole class, I haven't taken the final exam as I type out this forum) (7 credits)</p>

<p>I will try absolutely harder to earn the grades that I want, next semester for sure!</p>

<p>Is there a sweet spot for a GPA they are looking for? Is a 3.0 GPA not good enough?</p>

<p>UIC, in reality, likes to see a minimum of a 3.0 GPA for transfer students, and since you are not an Illinois resident, the requirements might be higher. With regards to the finite math requirement, they are looking for an equivalent to UIC’s Math 160. Acceptance for transfer students is almost all grade based.</p>

The UWM counselors need to look a little harder:

205 Introductory Finite Mathematics. 3 cr. U. Elements of mathematical logic, structures in sets; partitions and counting; probability theory, stochastic processes.|Prereq: math placement level B.

It’s good to have English Comp I, II complete as well.

These are recommendations, it’s possible to be admitted without them, but you have the best chance if you do all of them.