Acceptance + Merit Scholarship Chances for Biology Major (RD)?

4.02 GPA (top 50 private hs in CA, upper quartile according to school profile)
32 ACT – I plan on sending this

Sister attended and graduated (c/o 2016) from Elliott on a 15k scholarship

Main EC is dance–– dancing for a professional company that does local outreach and national performances, I teach ballet to underserved parts of the community, rehearsal assistant for the school, attended many summer programs (ABT New York, Joffrey, Ballet Austin, Hubbard Street), some on scholarship, usually ~20 hrs/week
Long history of environment-based volunteer work–– also did a summer study abroad in Costa Rica, summer intern at BLM
Volunteer for community hospital’s PT center

Recs: one from my AP stats teacher who encouraged me to do the county math comp where I placed in the top 10, the other from my APUSH teacher. I think they were probably decent. Not a particularly talkative or involved student at my school.

My profile and status as a sibling of an alum makes me confident in getting in, but I was wondering if I stood a chance in getting a scholarship as a bio major and about the Women’s Leadership program. I don’t know all that much about the school, and will need to do some research as I complete my RD app, but my sister absolutely loved GWU and I think I would too.

I don’t think your choice in a major will impact whether or not you receive a scholarship. Do you know if your sister’s scholarship was merit based or not? Regardless, your stats are very good and I agree that you will most definitely get in. I’d assume that you’d also receive at least just as much financial aid as your sister.

Family income bracket is too high (something like 300k) to receive aid. Sister’s scholarship was merit. She was commended in National Merit for her year, which I guess helped. She was also much more involved in the school community, while I do a lot outside of school. Thanks for the response.

Ok, then I think it’s not safe to assume you receiving as much as your sister. I think it’s very difficult to predict merit aid awards from outside the committee, so I don’t try to speculate.