GW Chances?

I already applied to George Washington ED I, and I am anxious to hear back since it’s where I want to go the most. I applied to the Elliott School of International Affairs, and I am wondering how likely I am to get into GW and whether or not I should expect a merit scholarship.

I go to a public school in northwest Ohio.

GPA: 4.4342
ACT/SAT: test-optional
Class Rank: 8/358

I’ve taken almost all the AP and honors courses my high school has to offer, but this year, as a senior, I’m doing more dual enrollment courses.

Symphony Orchestra- 9-10, Communications Chairperson
Chamber Orchestra- 9-10
Dance Team- 10-12, Captain
We the People (In conjunction with my AP Gov class, a simulated congressional hearing)- 12
Speech and Debate- 11-12, Fundraising Officer
Junior State of America (Debate politics and raise money for Tanga, Tanzania)- 11-12
Ballet- 9-10, highest level dancer
250+ service hours (volunteer at local public library and deliver mail to senior citizens)- 10-12
Internship- 10, civil attorney and environmental attorney
Work (hostess)- 10-11

National Honor Society
Distinguished Honor Roll
Regional dance competition- 1st place soloist
Four-Way Test Speech Contest- 1st place

Additional Information:
Korean American (dual citizen)
I visited GW last summer

I’m a little worried about whether or not I’ve shown enough interest in my intended major, but living in a small town in Ohio, I don’t have the most opportunities. Although GW is where I most see myself, I want to be realistic and not keep my hopes up too high since Elliott is competitive and GW is not the most affordable school when it comes to its sticker price.

You seem to be a strong candidate. You’re right in that you haven’t done as much as others with respect to EC’s and the Elliott School, but not everyone has the same opportunities (as you’ve already stated.) Applying ED will definitely help your chances. With respect to merit aid, you’ll just have to wait and see. I find predicting that is much more difficult than admission to the school, so I usually defer. Good luck!