Acceptance rate by major?

<p>Is applying as pre-business put me in a disadvantage to get into UofA? Just wondering, b/c most four-year business programs have really low acceptance rates in comparison to the overall acceptance rate.</p>

<p>Yes. If you want a better chance of being admitted apply for a less competive major then you could try transfering to their business school after a year or two. I plan on doing this. I got in as a political science major</p>

<p>along with the original question, I have a 3.4 W gpa, 30 ACT, have taken 11 APs, and applied pre-business. what r my chances on getting in?</p>

<p>def. get into the business school yea</p>

<p>is transferring into business easy? does the school give you any problems when transferring?</p>

<p>I got in fine applying as pre-business. I didn't have 11 AP's, didn't take the ACT, but my GPA was a fair bit higher than yours.</p>

<p>Bottom line is, I don't know. Hope you get accepted, though!</p>

<p>well... i got in. idk if i'm becoming a wildcat b/c housing is 99% full and i havent recieved my packet yet....</p>

<p>If you do, chances are good you'd end up in the same dorms as me, hah.</p>

<p>is there still a lot of space in particular residence halls? b/c i'm only getting my packet in 2 wks....</p>

<p>According to the other thread, apparently there's a waitlist now. I'm sure spots will open up, though.</p>