University of Arizona Acceptance?

Hi, so i was wondering if anyone could possibly help me out.

So I’ve always been a pretty good student, received decent test scores, and taken a few Ap’s. I recently applied to University of Arizona and had some questions. The first semester of my freshmen year of high school I got sick, and long story short missed most the first semester. As a result, I passed three classes, and failed the other three. I retook all three classes and received A’s in two of the classes and a B in the third. Returning to school the second semester, and sophomore and junior year, I had no problems and continued to receive good grades. The first semester of my senior year (this school year) the same thing occurred. I was sick and this resulted in me passing three classes (two of which were AP), and failing the other two. I’m now currently making up one of them (not the other since it was calculus and that’s not a required class) and receiving good grades again. After all of this, my GPA is a 3.1, I received a 1650 on my SAT, and a 24 on my ACT. Even though I made up/ are making up most of the failed classes I know that the F’s still show on my transcript. I was wondering if University of Arizona would still accept me despite the looks of my transcript? I added a short essay onto my application explaining the whole situation, but was worried the F’s would still ruin my chances. I was wondering if the explanation, plus the fact that my GPA isn’t too bad, and I received decent test scores would make it still possible for me to get accepted?

Sorry this was a little lengthy, but wanted to make sure everyone had all the details to try and help me out. Thanks!

You’ll either get accepted or you won’t. Only time will tell.

UofA has a 77% acceptance rate, you have nothing to worry about.