Acceptance rate in Toledo Medical school for Bacc2MD program

I have similar credentials and recently got accepted into the program! You have a high chance of being accepted

Hi! Im in the program at UT. Completed first year as bioengineering major at UT. From Michigan as well.

Hey @ppulven! I just got into this bacc2md program at Toledo and I am really debating whether to do it or not. I was planning on going to a higher ranked school for undergrad, but now I am not sure. I had a few questions. Is the program good and does it set you up in case you choose to do the mcat and pursue medicine at a different medical school? How many students are in this program in your year? Is it easy to maintain a high GPA? What are the programs pros and cons and how is the school environment as a whole? If you could answer these questions it would be highly appreciated. Thank you!

My son got accepted to the Bacc2MD program.
Want to know why only 12 students qualified for interview with medical school? This was out of how many that started off with the program? is it because they couldn’t meet the GPA requirements? IS it difficult to get a 3.5 GPA?
Would you mind sharing your daughters contact info for further questions? thanks a lot

My daughter also got into the same program and Honors college with Tuition scholarship. I am guessing since getting in the program needs 3.5GPA and maintaining that in college can be difficult.
My other concern is about the chances of an out of state, a west coast student, getting selected for Medical school. Does anyone have any insight into this?
As per FAQ seems like a 25% selection rate, which is good for med school, but concerned what if one doesn’t get into and how much Toledo degree will help getting med school elsewhere.

Hope you are doing well. Do you know how many kids got accepted to medical school from bacc2md last year ? Thanks!

17 were interviewed and 10 were accepted into MD matriculation last year. Here is the class profile:

What is the major benefit of this program if it only guarantees interview and not provisional acceptance?

Toledo Bacc2MD program isn’t alone in that ballpark, a few other BSMD programs like CWRU PPSP, SLU Medical Scholars Program, Temple BA/MD, and FAU BSMD also require an interview before matriculation to MD School. Some could be just a formality and some probably check to see if the candidate still has a clear motivation to pursue a career in healthcare. IMO, apply widely and you can compare your acceptances before committing to one.
You can see below Bacc2MD program benefits here:

Thank you for your reply.
Interview does not seem to be just a formality when only 10 out of 17 interviewees are accepted (based on the statistics above).
I am not arguing, I am just trying to get to the bottom of it.

Some aren’t comfortable with the program xyz’s matriculation conditions and they just skip it from applying. It’s purely a personal choice. In general for a MD school, the average acceptance rate is <7% (most schools <3%), with that, said 10 off 17 is like 58% acceptance rate. Again it’s a personal choice, if you don’t have any other BSMDs acceptances in hand and you are debating between Bacc2MD vs in-state school, then probably Bacc2MD could be the better option. Most apply widely and debate the matriculation conditions and other viewpoints when they receive all acceptances and are ready to make a decision. Hope this helps. Good luck.

It does. Thank you for expressing your point of view.

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Hello, My son got acceptance into this program and He is interested in Bi0-Eng program as well. Can you please give more insight about this program? TIA

How do you feel about this program as you might have finished 3 yrs. already? what are the pros and cons? where did you do your co-op? TIA

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You are better off to focus on taking the MCAT and applying to other schools. It is too much of an early let down of if don’t get in and the program can distract you from focusing on the MCAT. They only accept about 2%. Getting accepted to the Bacc2MD is not a big deal.

Are there any statistics on the number of students given offer for BAcc2MD program?

This is an old thread. Please start a new thread or ask your questions in the current year thread.

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