Acceptance Thread for class of '27 Undergrad/'25 Grad

Yes, ours is the yellow triangle and “application in review” as well. Who knows, fingers crossed, we may hear by the end of the week?!

The way I read it, that’s what it says. The FA officer I spoke to told me that one reason they collect so much information from everyone up front is so that this can be done accurately more quickly for those who are admitted. Which is nice, since admissions decisions come so late in the season. We’ll have essentially a couple weeks to decide.

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@Shellg I’m sorry, I didn’t sound very sympathetic to your friend upon re-reading my post. I really do know how awful it feels to wait, and I sympathize with him and his family. Was your friend’s student accepted EA? Otherwise, he probably got admitted about a week ago, and that would be consistent with USC saying FA answers would come in about one business week.

Yes accepted a week ago! Then they held Open House right after? No time to make plans to get there even lol.

I know, that was weird. Since the open house was just a day after admission, and more than a week before FA, I felt like it was for locals and/or full pay families. If the time comes, we’ll visit then.

Did you receive an email that FA summary is ready to view? We got one this morning but my son is still sleeping so we haven’t viewed it yet. :smiley:

I don’t know if my kid received an email, but I just found it when I went to the FA portal this morning.


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Hi everyone I’m new to the group. Love all the info and advice.

It has been a rigorous and busy college admissions process for my D! She is a soprano and applied to 10 schools, none ED. She will major in vocal performance or classical voice and is considering a double major or a minor in business.

Chapman U (live audition; merit scholarship)
Elon U (submitted video; merit scholarship)
Fordham U (merit scholarship)
NYU (submitted video)
Southern Methodist U (live audition; merit scholarship)
Syracuse U (live audition; merit scholarship)
U of Illinois Urbana Champaign (live audition; merit scholarship)

No offer:
U of Michigan (submitted prescreen video)
Rice (submitted prescreen video)
Vanderbilt (submitted prescreen video; live audition)

If anyone has experience/advice regarding the acceptance schools it would be most welcome! My daughter is blessed to have all these choices but they are all so different!

You need to find out what the important things are to your student. My musician wanted to be in a major metro area where there was a major symphony orchestra. So any schools located where this wasn’t a happening were not even considered (and we weren’t giving him a car in undergrad school so he could drive to these places if they weren’t near his college.

He also had very specific applied teachers who had been recommended to him…and had done trial lessons before he applied.

He also wanted the opportunity to be able to perform off campus or gig as well.

So…his choices had to meet all three criteria. But he did that vetting before he applied. So all of his acceptances met all.

He then started to look at reasons why he should eliminate schools.

First one came off because the applied teacher (while first chair in the symphony and excellent) was his applied teacher in high school…and even the teacher agreed he should branch out.

Two other schools came off the list because they reminded him too much of where he did precollege ensembles.

So that left 3 to choose from. And those were harder decisions. Two were conservatories, and one a conservatory within a larger university. He eliminated one because they flatly refused to tell him whose studio he would be assigned to…and that was important.

The last elimination was a tough one…but it went because the applied teacher was not full time at this conservatory (and the kid was right…this teacher left that conservatory about a year later).

He was very very happy with his final choice. Major metro area, first class symphony orchestra, lots of gig ops, and an applied teacher who is still considered one of the best in the country.


Great advice/insights. Thank you. My daughter hs had lessons at the five schools she’s most interested in and at three of them has narrowed down the professor choice m. She goes to a very small suburban high school and is trying to figure out the urban/suburban large/small university thing so we will see how that goes. A lot more drilling down will be done in the next three weeks!

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Congrats. Some really great schools in your list.

The only school we had in common was Rice. My son did not get into Rice but did get into Northwestern, which surprised us.

I’m in Texas so I have some folks I know that have experience with Rice, and we’ve been told they are very different with their admissions. Obviously, they are very exclusive, but they reject a ton of more than qualified students. It seems that some schools the individual schools can go to admissions and emphasize some of the students they prefer and admissions tends to go that way, but it seems Rice is diff. It seems to many that admissions drives the ship and the individual schools don’t have much influence.


May I ask which school he is at and which instrument?

I sent you a message.

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Congrats on some great options. A big factor will be whether the program has the flexibility to have a double major or even a minor. This will depend on 1. how many of your daughter’s AP/IB/DE credits will be honored by each school 2. BFA vs BA (BFA requires more music/voice credits) 3. Gen Ed requirements of each school 4. Difficulty accessing required courses (Are certain classes only offered once a year, or even every other year? Are certain classes only offered on certain campuses?)

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Thank you @fiftyfifty. All good points. It seems so far that most of the schools can accommodate a minor in almost any subject. A double major is harder, esp because of some schools’ language requirements. Fortunately my D is fluent in French so she has a bit of a head start (at least in one language).

We were also told by one of the music school admissions people that unless you plan on being an investment banker or work at a private equity group or a hedge fund, a business minor is sufficient for a career in the music field.

One other thing we were told by several schools (for any parents who might be concerned about their student changing their mind about music once they finish school) - - a music degree from a good program seems to be highly regarded by graduate schools and employers in other fields because of the rigorousness of the music program and the dedication and work ethic that serious music students all have in common.


We have a completely different list of schools, but in case it helps, my son’s decision will probably come down to city atmosphere, gig opportunities, flexibility to collaborate across art forms or genres, and a classic collegiate on-campus experience (that is, after eliminating schools that are too expensive).


Welcome to @soprano-dad and congratulations on having such nice choices.
My oldest graduated from Chapman several years ago with a degree in violin performance. (The other VP :blush:) They had a great experience.
Chapman is quite small, but the instrumental and voice programs are strong. We found the professors to be very approachable and of very high caliber. Many students double major, mine chose the program largely because it truly allowed students to explore diverse majors simultaneously. Chapman has strong business related programs.
In terms of the campus and student life, again it is small and in a very lovely but high cost of living area. Mine was still able to find reasonable options for housing off campus after the first year. It has a fairly large sorority/fraternity presence which does not appeal to my kid, but there were lots of opportunities for socializing outside of that environment.
The opera and MT performances were really amazing, endless opportunities to collaborate and perform. Feel free to reach out if you have other questions.



Today’s update! I’ll update further throughout the day.

2plustrio’s son - Vocal Performance - Undergrad

  • Mid-Jan - Gustavus
  • 2/15 - Xavier University
  • Feb/early March - Jacksonville U
  • Feb/early March - U of Louisiana Lafaytt3
  • 3/7 - Ball State
  • 3/8 - Stetson
  • 3/9 - Loyola University New Orleans
  • 3/10 - Baldwin Wallace
  • 3/20 - U Minn Twin Cities
  • 3/24 - Syracuse
  • University of Dayton
  • DePaul
  • 3/31 - Indiana/JSOM

10boemom’s son - Oboe Performance - Undergrad

  • 3/3 - CU Boulder
  • 3/15 - Chicago College of the Performing Arts
  • 3/17 - Colburn Conservatory (waitlist)
  • 3/18 - Oberlin-College and Conservatory (dual degree) :tada:
  • 3/31 - CIM

10mnpt’s daughter

BennyBopper’s son - Undergrad

  • 1/27 - U of Miami MADE - Contemporary Voice
  • Stevens - Music and Technology
  • Drexel - Music Industry
  • Belmont - Audio Engineering Technology
  • Loyola New Orleans - Popular Music (voice)
  • RIT- Electrical Engineering Technology - Audio Option
  • University of Vermont - Music (Technology & Business Concentration)
  • LMU - Recording Arts
  • MTSU - Recording Industry Commercial Songwriting Program
  • CU Denver - BS: Music (Singer/Songwriter)
  • 3/24 - USC Viterbi for Engineering

BeverlyWest’s son - Jazz Studies/Guitar - Undergrad

  • 1/20 - CU Denver
  • 2/1 - Columbia-College Chicago
  • 2/1 - UArts
  • 2/5 - Our State U
  • 2/7 - Loyola New Orleans
  • 3/1 - U of North Texas (waitlist)
  • 3/17 - U Miami Frost
  • 3/24 - USC Thornton
  • 3/31 - U of Memphis
  • 4/1 - Berklee
  • 4/2 - The New School
  • No offer: Williams College

BoyFluteMom’s son - Flute Performance - Undergrad

  • 12/22 - Towson
  • 1/31 - UMD
  • 3/17 - Oberlin
  • 3/17 - Case Western

bullet318’s son - Jazz Studies/Composition

  • 12/18 - Temple
  • 3/22 - New School of Jazz
  • 3/24 - USC Thornton :tada:
  • 3/31 - NEC
  • 3/31 - Johns Hopkins/Peabody

Dmanette’s daughter - VP Singer/Songwriter emphasis in Popular/Contemporary - Undergrad

  • 11/11 - Columbia-Chicago
  • 12/5 - Los Angeles College of Music
  • 12/16 - Berklee
  • 3/6 - CalArts
  • 3/24 - USC Thornton
  • 3/28 - NYU Tisch

erin-barrett - Trombonist - Undergrad

  • 1/15 - CCM- Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music
  • 3/13 - Indiana University JSOM
  • 3/13 - University of Louisville
  • 3/15 - DePaul University
  • 3/17 - University of Kentucky
  • 3/17 - Eastman School of Music
  • 3/17 - Lynn Conservatory of Music

Fishingcamp’s daughter

  • SUNY Fredonia for music, Baritone Sax
  • Ithaca College School of Music for Sound Recording Technology :tada:

futuremusicedmajor - got into all their schools!

  • 10/27 - University of North Florida
  • 11/16 - Florida Gulf Coast (Bower)
  • 12/6 - Baldwin Wallace
  • 12/9 - Temple (Boyer)
  • 12/22 - University of Hartford (Hartt)
  • 12/23 - SUNY Potsdam (Crane)
  • 1/27 - U of Miami (Frost)
  • 2/19 - SUNY Fredonia
  • 2/27 - University of Cincinnati (CCM)
  • 3/20 - Ithaca College

libbyshims’ son - Tuba Performance - Undergrad

  • 3/1 - University of North Texas
  • 3/14 - Oberlin
  • 3/25 - Indiana/JSOM

macarthur’s son - Vocal Performance

  • 1/18 - TCU, alternate for Nordan Scholarship
  • 1/30 - Berklee/Boston Conservatory
  • 3/10 - University of Houston
  • 3/15 - DePaul
  • 3/24 - Northwestern
  • 4/1 - MSM

Momeila’s daughter - VP Soprano - Undergrad

  • Baldwin Wallace
  • Duquesne University
  • 3/18 - Oberlin
  • 3/20 - San Francisco Conservatory of Music
  • 3/25 - Carnegie Mellon School of Music
  • 3/29 - Eastman
  • 3/31 - Peabody
  • 3/31 - CIM
  • 3/31 - NEC

Momto3kiddies’ daughter - VP mezzo-soprano

MountHood’s son - Music Technology/Recording Arts/Industry - Undergrad

  • Cal Arts - Music Technology
  • University of Oregon - Music Technology
  • Loyola Marymount - Recording Arts
  • University of the Pacific - Music Industry
  • California Lutheran University
  • Occidental College
  • American University

MusicMjr daughter - VP

  • End of Jan - UIUC
  • 3/25 - U Wisconsin Mead Witter
  • 3/28 - NYU’s Steinhart

Newbie2324’s son - Music Performance

  • 12/18 - Temple University
  • 1/27 - U Maryland
  • 2/1 - Gettysburg/Sunderman
  • 2/11 - TCU
  • 2/17 - UT Austin
  • 2/23 - SMU
  • 3/1 - University of North Texas

philmad’s daughter - VP soprano

  • 2/6 - Alabama (full tuition + R&B merit scholarship)
  • 2/8 - UT Austin - Butler
  • 3/7 - Florida State
  • 3/14 - San Diego State
  • 4/4 - Indiana/JSOM
  • Michigan SMTD (waitlist)

Pianomom1’s son

  • Berklee
  • MTSU
  • ETSU
  • 3/20 - Mannes
  • 3/31 - Boston Conservatory

Pikachu_s_Mom’s daughter - Voice - Masters

  • 4/2 - Indiana University/Jacobs School of Music :tada:


  • Baldwin Wallace
  • Chapman University
  • Cincinnati Conservatory
  • DePauw University
  • Indiana University/Jacobs
  • Pacific Lutheran University
  • University of Portland

RussianMom’s daughter - Flute Performance - Undergrad

  • 2/15 - Emory, Music/Sociology, Woodruff Scholar
  • 3/5 - UGA Hugh Hodgson School of Music (plus 11/18 Sociology)
  • 3/6 - Vanderbilt/Blair - Music/Sociology
  • 3/24 - Northwestern – dual degree Bienen/College of Arts & Sciences
  • 3/24 - USC Thornton
  • 3/29 - Boston University’s Kalichand Honors College and School of Music
  • 3/28 - Rice University/Shepherd
  • 3/28 - NYU’s Steinhart
  • 3/29 - Barnard College, lesson exchange with MSM
  • 3/30 - Princeton
  • 3/30 - Yale
  • 3/30 - UPenn
  • 3/30 - Columbia
  • 3/31 - Stanford
  • 3/31 - NEC

shankkny’s daughter

Shellg’s son - Jazz Studies/Instrumental (Guitar) - Undergrad

  • 12/15 - Berklee
  • 1/27 - U of Miami
  • 1/28 - University of North Texas :tada:

SnowyJoJo’s daughter - Vocal Performance - Undergrad

  • 3/7 - Baldwin Wallace
  • 3/15 - Ithaca
  • 3/22 - Bard Conservatory double-degree program

soprano-dad’s daughter - VP soprano/classical voice - Undergrad

No offer:
U of Michigan

sssullivan’s daughter - Graduate

  • 3/10 - University of Houston

Sweet Strings’s daughter - Viola - Undergrad

  • 3/20 - San Francisco Conservatory of Music
  • 3/29 - MSM
  • 3/29 - Juilliard
  • 3/31 - CIM

thisismynameOH’s daughter - VP mezzo soprano - Masters

  • 3/4 - SUNY Purchase
  • 4/1 - Indiana/JSOM


  • 3/17 - Colburn
  • 3/22 - Curtis
  • 3/30 - Juilliard
  • 3/31 - CIM

turtles forever’s son - Music Education/Horn

  • SUNY Potsdam
  • University of Hartford
  • West Chester University
  • Temple University
  • Castleton University
  • 3/25 - Boston-University :tada:


  • 12/9 Columbia-Chicago
  • 12/22 - CU Denver (Singer Songrwriter)
  • 3/10 - SUNY Purchase (Studio Composition)
  • 3/10 - Stevens Institute of Technology (Music and Technology)
  • 3/16 - University of Hartford (Composition)
  • 3/16 - Drexel (Music Industry)
  • 3/17 - U Miami/Frost (MADE/CAM)
  • 3/31 - Berklee

WestOfPCH 's son - Music Industry - Masters

  • 3/16 - USC Thornton :tada:

Decision made: TCU for Music Performance :tada: