<p>I heard about a girl getting accepted to CAS last night in middle-of-nowhere, California. the LSP wave is over, isn't it? is this the normal acceptances?</p>
<p>I believe so… it is already wednesday
and I think international students may hear today via email and others in states will get it tomorrow or by the end of this week…
everyone good luck!!!</p>
<p>do people that get in get a packet just like lsp people? And are all LSP application already sent out?</p>
<p>Wow it’s really happening!
I’ve been opening my mail box almost every five minutes…
It sucks that where i live is about 12 hours apart from NY.</p>
<p>omg… I can’t believe its really happening now.
I think i’m gonna freak out whenever a new e-mail arrives.</p>
<p>I think that the accepted people get a packet and the rejects get a letter … Although it may all be different … e.g no packet if you didn’t apply for financial aid or something like that…</p>
<p>California?! WHAT! I’m like 30 minutes away from NYU. What the shiz. -_-</p>
<p>do you think its possible that different schools send out at different times? </p>
<p>basically, no one freak out if you don’t get something today… </p>
<p>(I say this more for myself that for everyone else)</p>
<p>Where’d you hear that?</p>
<p>Different schools have different admissions offices, but they all follow the same deadlines and work under one unified admissions “processing center.” It’s impossible to send out several thousand admissions letters within a 9am-5pm time frame so they are processed and sent on different days due to simple logistics. Some decisions may have delays bc of missing material and other factors, but there’s nothing anyone can really do. From what I’ve seen over the past two years, acceptances typically come out first, rejections last. Don’t panic if it hasn’t come yet because there’s still ample time to get a big letter ;).</p>
<p>i say we just goto the admission office today -_-</p>
<p>I got the academic expectations booklet today and then I saw the typical admissions thin letter envelope with the semi-nice paper and I almost crapped myself… but then it was a letter from Columbia hahahah</p>
<p>^ Lmao same thing happened to me. I saw Columbia and was like “oh I got rejected.” but I realized that I never applied.</p>
<p>Word Hyunkyu. Lets start a seige. Take over the admissions office.</p>
<p>haha i think i got that letter from columbia as well! it was a big psyche. </p>
<p>someone asked whom i heard it from; my friend is the one who got in! my other friend told me… but he doesn’t know about nyu at all so he didn’t know if it was lsp.</p>
<p>it’s always like OOOH SOMEONE GOT IN! oh it’s lsp. </p>
<p>Geez, I just got that Columbia letter too. Scared the **** out of me!</p>
<p>Wow… you guys are getting stuff from columbia… I got two letters today, one from UT-Dallas and the other from Berry College. Your promotional material puts mine to shame.</p>
<p>hey…wats lsp??..i’ve seen a lot that lately, but still i dont know what that is…</p>
<p>Liberal Studies Program
…emails hopefully will come tonight lol</p>
<p>y do ppl get in that program when they’re deferred(not sure)?is it just a common program for all freshman?? wat school is it in?(CAS?)</p>