
<p>I hope so, it would allow us all to relax senior year while everyone else is frantically applying to college.</p>

<p>Finished my application today! Everything should be at UA by Monday</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I OOS. 3.0 unweighted. 3.4 weighted. 25 ACT. IB program. Chances?</p>

<p>That’s basically what UA is looking for. They say a 3.0 and a 21 ACT would be a successful student at UA. Although they could be raising that standard because of the rising popularity. So you could be at the average, so just apply early.</p>

<p>Yeah I already applied. Do you know if they re-calculate OOS student high school GPA?</p>

<p>They don’t recalculate anyone’s GPA. They use the highest GPA they get on your transcript. In your case, it would be the 3.4 they use.</p>

<p>Okay. Can I get any scholarships?</p>

<p>Not any automatic scholarships. You would have to raise both your GPA and ACT.</p>

<p>Will they take senior year first semester and if I retake the act into account for a scholarship?</p>

<p>The latest ACT you can take is the October one. I believe they will also take the new GPA for your first semester. Not 100% on that one ask m2ck. I do know the latest ACT is October.</p>

<p>Okay cool. Thanks man. I really hope I get accepted! I can’t wait to hear back</p>

<p>No problem. Shouldn’t be too much longer until we all hear back and be able to enjoy our senior year.</p>

<p>Yeah I know. I have to focus on IB and stuff like that. I also applied to FAU.</p>

<p>Yeah I saw your other post. Good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks. You too. What college are you leaning towards?</p>

<p>Alabama or LSU. I’ve visited them both, but since Alabama is cheaper for in-state and ranked higher, I’ll end up there if I get accepted.</p>

<p>That’s cool. Will UA l give admission decisions for oos at the same time in-state students?</p>

<p>Yeah you see it online first.</p>

<p>Oh alright. Thanks. I’m very anxious.</p>