Accepted at Exeter, Waitlisted at Andover

I found out that I am waitlisted at Andover, but that I am accepted at Exeter. I've heard many people say " love the school that loves you", however, I feel as if Andover would be a better fit for me than Exeter.</p>

<li>What are the chances for getting of the waitlist at Andover?</li>
<li>Is it possible for a more humanities oriented, sports-loving girl who hates wearing formal clothing to be really happy at Exeter?</li>

<p>I agree with “love the school that loves you”. Furthermore, The girls’ dress code in Exeter is far less strict than the boys’, and the sports are without question top-notch. Also, the humanities department in Exeter is quite possibly one of the best in the world for h.s and some colleges, as I was told. If Exeter accepted you, they know that you will fit well there. Congratulations, and be excited!!! I would LOVE to be in your place, as I was rejected, but there always next year, right? (hehe) :)</p>

<p>Leppy-you felt Andover was a better fit, but they didnt. Exeter felt you fit right in. Remember you are a student, and they are adults that have been doing this many years and have seen thousands of students.</p>

<p>Think back to why you applied. Did you want to go to bs or just to andover?</p>

<p>Hey there, leppy. Congratulations on getting into Exeter! You should be really proud - it’s no easy feat as I’m sure you’re aware.</p>

<p>Let me just clear the air on something. Exeter and Andover are REALLY not that different. Graduates the world over will tell you that the Andover/Exeter kids that they roomed with in college and worked together with in their various professions had very similar experiences in both places. There are differences between the two schools, but at both places you’re guaranteed to get a top-notch education, meet incredibly talented and motivated people, and above all, enjoy your high school experience. In the end, you probably won’t even remember whether or not there was a dress code (though, I have to say, it’s great to be able to show up to calculus first period in PJ bottoms!)</p>

<p>If you want to wait out the waitlist, go ahead, but in the past two years, Andover has taken exactly 0 students off of its waitlist - and has been over-enrolled both years even so. That’s the thing with Andover; it’s a yield machine.</p>

<p>Like I said, though, congrats! Exeter is right up there with Andover. Be proud! :)</p>

<p>Oh, and you shouldn’t feel as if you “aren’t good enough” for Andover. If you want to know the truth, I was flat-out rejected at Exeter! With schools as selective as Andover and Exeter, it really can be a crapshoot.</p>

<p>A big thank you for Tom The Cat returning to CC!!! :-)</p>

<p>you are incredibly lucky to have gotten waitlisted at andover AND accepted at exeter! i only know two or three talented kids at exeter who got into both schools - most of them got flat-out denied by one and accepted at the other! i don’t think exeter and andover are too different and stereotypes do not necessarily dictate anything. i’d advise you to go to revisit days, because it’s not the stereotype that will enforce your decision of what school you’re going to - it’s more about the little details that matter to you that you’ll notice on revisit day.</p>

<p>Glad to be back, MaterS :slight_smile: it’s Spring Break after all!</p>

<p>I have a humanities oriented, sports loving boy who’s always griping about how the girls get away with wearing just about anything while he has to wear a tie…check out the curriculum and the course catalog. Harkness is made for the humanities.</p>

<p>Dou you guys know how many people Andover takes off of the waitlist?</p>

<p>Yes. Over the past two years, Andover has removed 0 students from the waitlist. This has been because of an enormous yield approaching 80% - far ahead of any other east coast boarding schools.</p>

<p>However, that is not to say that there’s no hope for those on the waitlist. If you really show interest to the Office of Admission, through a thoughtful letter or through keeping them up-to-date with your achievements, you never know - they might be inclined to take you off the waitlist.</p>


<p>I was in the exact same position as you were three years ago when I applied as a new lower. I had always thought that Andover would be a better fit for me because I’m a humanities person and didn’t want the formal dress code. However, after going to the revisit day for Exeter, I fell in love with Harkness and realized it is perfect for the humanities. Andover is also a great school, but I have never regretted for one moment choosing to go to Exeter, or have wondered what it would have been like to attend Andover. Go to the revisit day, and if you can picture yourself at Exeter for the next three or four years, GO! You won’t regret it.</p>

<p>I think I’ll end up going to Exeter :slight_smile:
TomtheCat- thanks for the info on how many people get off the waitlist, it has really helped me with my decision!</p>

<p>cloudsandsky- its really helpful to talk to someone thats been in the same place- thanks so much for the encouragement!</p>

<p>Do revisits make a difference? I live in Japan, and my family has been affected by the earthquake, and so I can’t make revisit days… </p>

<p>thanks again! </p>


<p>pray for japan [o]</p>

<p>if you were accepted to both schools, i’d say to go for a revisit since personally when i went to visit i thought there was a difference in atmosphere between the two schools. but since you’re pretty set on going to exeter now, it’s probably not worth it given your situation (praying for japan :3)</p>

<p>hope everything works out for you!</p>

<p>Exeter will be great, don’t think twice about Andover, don’t worry about no revisit and best wishes for your family.</p>

<p>alilies, leppy was waitlisted at Andover, so it most likely wouldn’t have become an option.</p>

<p>Congratulations, leppy! Lemonade is absolutely right. Don’t ever second-guess yourself! You’re still going to one of the best high schools in the world!</p>

<p>tom the cat… Its funny cause I was accepted at Exeter but flat rejected at andover. Anyway exeter was my first choice :slight_smile: Im kinda relieved to know that not everyone get into both schools at the same time.</p>