<p>Does anyone know how we apply (CISS/FAFSA?), what we should do, and when we will informed of our package?</p>
<p>Look on the Princeton Review site for all of the aid information, I know it’s on there.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure it includes FAFSA and the CSS profile.</p>
<p>Yeah Princeton Review is great.</p>
<p>So for all those accepted, did watching the game today feel really weird/crazy awesome? Just thinking, I could be there next year???!!</p>
<p>Crazy. Awesome.</p>
<p>does gtown offer merit money?</p>
<p>^I’m 99% positive they don’t have merit scholarships. They might send out a few small ones each year, but I doubt they do. They don’t have any scholarship programs at all, so it’s unlikely that any merit money is out there.</p>
<p>Don’t look at Princeton Review. Look at Georgetown’s own website for financial aid information. That’s the only place you’ll get definitive information.</p>
<p>man i wish they do offer at least a bit money, I’m an int’l so i’m not completely relying on financial aid.</p>
<p>Anyone know when they are gonna send out the info about Tuition Costs and Financial Aid?</p>
<p>First, Georgetown requires both the FAFSA and the Profile. You can start filling those out once the clock hits 2009.</p>
<p>Second, Georgetown, generally speaking, does not give merit scholarships. They are a very small handful of exceptions. For example, I think the NHS has a few scholarships they can give(?), as does the Arabic department. But those are mostly small and rare. For exceptionally low income students (like a dozen or two a year), I believe there is a scholarship that takes into account both need and merit. But generally speaking, Georgetown gives only merit.</p>
<p>Third, if you were accepted EA, you’ll hear back about financial aid when everyone else applying RD hears back. In early April. It’s a long, very annoying wait, especially if, like me, you cannot make an informed decision about schools without the info. Sorry.</p>
<p>Fourth, while Georgetown only gives out need-based aid, it is pretty good about the need it gives out. Georgetown meets 100% need (like all colleges however, they define what constitutes need). I for one got almost exactly what the Fafsa said I should. They cap student loans somewhere around $3000, and work study somewhere around $2500. (Those numbers are probably off in one direction or another by $500 each). They are not like Harvard and MIT, which can afford to go over and above financial aid. But nor are they like schools like American, which give only 50% of need. I found mine almost exactly in line with the FAFSA, but I don’t know much about the finances of my friends here. Anecdotely, the office seems more flexible than another top-tier school my friend had an experience with. I’d say that Georgetown aid won’t generous, but it will be reasonable (reasonable as FA goes these days anyway)</p>
<p>^ Thanks for the info! Do you know about the alumni scholarship stuff?</p>
<p>I’m not 100% sure, but I’m pretty sure that’s the program that helps thee exceptionally low income students. someone can corect me if I’m wrong</p>