Accepted Spring Semester as an Undergraduate Freshman- Can someone help guide me on what to do next?

I was accepted into GWU as an Undergraduate Freshman for the Spring Semester, however I have yet to receive instructions on how to register for classes or apply for housing. Also, when I try to apply for housing, the page says it is unavailable. I have already submitted my enrollment deposit, accepted my offer of financial aid, claimed my NetID and GWID, and submitted my declaration of intent. Does anyone know how/ when I will receive instructions on how to register and apply for housing? I assume once I do this I will be billed, because so far I have yet to be billed. I’ve talked to nearly every office at GWU over the phone, and none of them have been helpful. Any help that anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated

You can register for classes once you submit your enrollment deposit! You can apply for housing here If you go to GWEB, once you submit the enrollment deposit you should be able to sign up for classes there.

I submitted my enrollment deposit (I’m a spring transfer as well!) (you can accept enrollment and then it tells you to pay the deposit before the 20th) and I waited for a few days to see if they would “register” the deposit, but they said after you pay you can just register for classes immediately. I also did my housing application around the same day and I got my housing like 2 days after I applied. I also had to figure a lot of this out by myself, but being self-sufficient will probably be a faster route than calling each department (which I did as well)

Thank you so much for your help; I am actually a High School Senior actually who’s graduating this Semester! When I try to apply for housing by clicking on the E-Services link, however, it says that it’s ‘unavailable at this time’. I’m also really stressed because I don’t know which classes to register for as this will be my first semester of college; I’m a political science major. I haven’t received any contact from GW about what I should take, or anything else about orientation registration as well. If you or anyone else knows what an undergraduate Freshman Political Science Major should take their first semester of college, please let me know

I’m going to DM you since I probs need to tell you a lot of info, but if anyone is curious about transferring to GWU, feel free to DM me!

@R984377 congrats on your acceptance! I definitely recommend taking advantage of @Sassygogo 's offer as they’re going through this at the same time and should be a big help as far as what to do and where to find it.

With regard to your classes, it seems you’re at a large disadvantage since you’re starting halfway through the year and don’t have the chance of attending a summer Colonial Inauguration (freshman orientation) event. Therefore, I highly suggest you reach-out to one of the department advisers IMMEDIATELY: Dr. Susan Wiley: and/or Clinton Jenkins: I’m not sure if they can help you without already declaring a major or if they’ll refer you to a Columbian College Arts and Sciences (CCAS) general advisor. Regardless, talk to one of them to get the in’s and out’s. With that said, here are some general guidelines for registering as a freshman (any other current students feel free to chime-in):

  1. You need to register for a UW (University Writing class) either this semester or the next. For the spring semester, most classes are already full (there are only 3 right now with open seats). You can pick one of those three to get it out of the way or hope something better pops-up in the first week of classes. Which brings me to the next point…

2)Spots in full classes open and close frequently in the first week of classes. If there’s something you either NEED to take or just really want to, look on the registration website every day of the first week around 8am.

  1. If you already know what you want to study (as it seems is the case for you) then try to take one or two introductory courses in the major. This spring there are Intro to Comparative Politics (currently full), Intro-American Politics & Govt (full), Intro-International Politics (full), I wouldn’t recommend taking anything higher (2000-level classes) until you take some of those.

  2. Take classes that fulfil CCAS general requirements. You can see the list here: You might as well fill-up your schedule with these (whatever is available this late in the game) since if UW and/or Poli Sci classes don’t open-up you’ll be stuck with them.

Overall, it seems like you’ve got a very tough adjustment period ahead of you. I haven’t known any other high school senior that was able to start in the Spring, so this is all new to me. Try to utilize whatever resources you have ( @Sassygogo , myself, or GW advisers) to get through the next couple of weeks. You’ve got a lot to do and not a lot of time (or many options) to do it. Good luck.