Accepted to one... Waiting on another... what do i do?

<p>So about a month ago i was accepted to Umich for transfer and that is awesome.. i am stoked to be accepted but i am waiting on ND for a decision as that has been my dream school for the past 18 years. A big factor in going there now is the FinAid.. i come from a big family and my parents do well for themselves owning a few businesses and all but fin aid tends to push aside the cost of providing for my family and looks at my parents assets. That in itself kills my financial aid awards and my parents never could afford to make up the difference... ( tends to come out around 20K+ my parents have to cough up - by parents i mean ME!!)</p>

<p>So i just got my finaid statement for Umich - nearly a full ride with like 500$ left to pay --very manageable for me. I figure if a public school is able to give a transfer that much money... do you think there is any possibility that a Private school with a nearly $8 Billion endowment can proportionally match that award letter??? If so that may keep me looking towards the "golden" road...</p>

<p>With the decision deadline approaching - Dec 1st i have decided to give nd till mid december for a decision and everything hinges on whether they can match Umich's assistance.. do you think they will? well, i am asking for opinions since i know no one can offer a true answer</p>

<p>ouch. well, i think you’ll scrape up the cash by the first ten of it.</p>

<p>Okay anyone have some ideas b/c i have no idea what -brotha just said???</p>

<p>I would not let that Michigan package go. Wow, congrats, Snrider. Unfortunately, it does not mean that ND will necessarily do the same. You can call them and ask if they could expedite the process, and let them know what you have. Some schools are not generous with fin aid to transfers. I do not know where ND sits in that regard. But you do have an offer from a great school to use as negotiation, and if it does not work with ND, you still have a wonderful choice. It is rare to get that kind of money from Michigan. You did very well.</p>

<p>thanks… Yeah i figure that maybe if ND can offer anything within 5K or so of UM i will take up nd… they are comparable institution in the level of academic integrity but i just like the tradition ND has more. amongst other things too - like SMC across the street haha</p>

<p>any one else?</p>

<p>bump sjhs</p>