Accepted to one... Waiting on another... what do i do???!

<p>So about a month ago i was accepted to Umich for transfer and that is awesome.. i am stoked to be accepted but i am waiting on ND for a decision as that has been my dream school for the past 18 years. A big factor in going there now is the FinAid.. i come from a big family and my parents do well for themselves owning a few businesses and all but fin aid tends to push aside the cost of providing for my family and looks at my parents assets. That in itself kills my financial aid awards and my parents never could afford to make up the difference...</p>

<p>So i just got my finaid statement for Umich - nearly a full ride with like 500$ left to pay --very manageable for me. I figure if a public school is able to give a transfer that much money... do you think there is any possibility that a Private school with a nearly $8 Billion endowment can proportionally match that award letter??? If so that may keep me looking towards the "golden" road...</p>

<p>With the decision deadline approaching - Dec 1st i have decided to give nd till mid december for a decision and everything hinges on whether they can match Umich's assistance.. do you think they will? well, i am asking for opinions since i know no one can offer a true answer</p>

<p>My experience has been quite the opposite. The private school I got into gave out far more aid than the state school I attend now. Though I don’t quite know what you’re asking, are you asking if they’ll actually match the aid, as in you show them a copy of your financial aid package and say “give me this much or I’m not attending” - cause if that’s the case I seriously doubt you’ll make much progress there.</p>

<p>But if you mean you’re just remaining hopeful that the aid they give is as good as UMich’s I can tell you from the USNews college ranking 2009 book the average aid notre dame gives is $30,000 which as I’m sure you know falls short of the cost of attendance by a fairly large margin. But that’s in no way definitive of what you’ll get, just an estimate.</p>

<p>Though I’d wager money on the state school being the cheaper option… $500 to pay… gonna be hard to beat that. But if you want my 2 cents, even if the aid isn’t as good as the state school… if it’s truly your dream school, and the aid is anywhere close to what you’d consider affordable… I’d go for it!</p>