
<p>I still didn't get my acceptance letter but I knew I was accepted back in early January. I emailed them twice but they didn't reply, so would anyone tell me what the letter is about, briefly? and what is along with the acceptance letter?</p>

<p>MilwDad... I don't see how you expect your son to succeed if you keep blaming his failures on other people with ridiculous theories. Not a good role model; you seem like the type to complain about the coach playing favorites and making a big fuss if your son gets cut from a team... Just let it go, there's no big conspiracy to make sure your son isn't allowed into UW. Just maybe the reason he was deffered was his 3.3 GPA</p>

<p>Off-Topic: Hey barrons, I'm moving to Lynchburg this summer (hoping that i'll get into W&M or UVA!)</p>

<p>Wow. That's all I can say. My son's failures? </p>

<p>First, he hasn't failed at anything. How arrogant must you be to suggest that? Indeed, he has exceptional qualifications and is a wonderful kid who is one of his school's outstanding students. He is the most intellectually curious kid I've ever met. And he has been accepted to wonderful colleges.</p>

<p>Second, what I have said is by no means theoretical. UW has too few places for the qualified students who apply. Therefore it has no choice but to discriminate among qualified applicants. This is reality. Faced with political pressures, one thing it does (and you'll notice I do not blame it for doing so -- I have only noted that it's frustrating to be on the wrong side of the discrimination) is to disfavor candidates from some school districts. This is no more theoretical -- and no more surprising -- than that it accepts out-of- state students instead of in-state students for financial reasons. These are not hypotheses to any Wisconsin parent, but well known phenomena. If it did not do so it would only exacerbate the financial struggles that the University faces perennially under pressure from the Legislature. It is an economically rational policy that I agree with even while I might be personally disappointed by it. As I said above, there are no good solutions. You can't make UW bigger, and thus able to accept every qualified student who applies, without a vast infusion of money. That is impossible in this political and fiscal climate. So the University MUST discriminate. It does so under the rubric of diversity or balance or just some ambiguous preference among admissions for one child's resume over another. It is not done with ill will, or malice, or even with callousness. It is just done, because it has to be done. There's not enough room.</p>

<p>OK folks, let's take a little pause here. Both sides had some valid points but there is no need to go nuclear on each other.</p>

<p>MilwDad as you pointed out in a previous post the LACs your son was accepted may be the better choice for him. If UW wants him, great, if not he may find Beloit or Knox offer him a wonderful opportunity. You also noted:</p>

<p>"But I have spent some time as the hiring partner at a large law firm and can tell you that the school of the undergraduate degree was so unimportant to us I couldn't even call it a factor. As long as we verified that the degree was legitimate, Mid-State U was essentially the same as Yale as far as we were concerned." </p>

<p>You also commented:</p>

<p>"Among Big Ten universities, however, take a look at Iowa and Indiana. Both are very good large universities in great college towns, and a little easier to get admitted to."</p>

<p>I think both comments are legitimate and worth consideration.</p>

<p>All good points, CD. They ought to be; I made them. ;) They are not entirely applicable, however, because I'd throw my son out of the house if he were so foolish as to pursue a career in law. :)</p>

<p>Iowa and IU are not very strong in his preferred areas of study, unfortunately. Nevertheless, I think both are terrific universities, as are all the Big Ten schools, really.</p>

<p>He will most likely end up going to one of the LACs he has been accepted to. Even if he gets accepted later to Wisconsin, as is quite possible, I think by that time he'll already have Wisconsin in his rear view mirror. That's the nature of it. You might say it's all part of the sifting and winnowing by which alone the right college may be found.</p>

<p>Accepted into Letters & Science
GPA: 3.4ish UW
ACT: 33
11 Honors, 6 AP classes
Decent ECs
Strong Personal Statement/Essay
Good Rec.
A few awards</p>



<p>GPA: 2.9 UW (rigorous course load at boarding school)
SAT: 2100 (740, 700 SAT IIs)
Strong essay, recs, etc.</p>

Rank:186 out of 678
1 AP: Envio. Science
How the heck did I get in?
Not complaining though....;)
See you guys in the fall!</p>

<p>Congratulations blinding22. I think your ethnic background from an underrepresented state - Texas - helps. If you, by any chance, in the DFW area, PM me your e-mail address so I can forward you a application for our local alumni club scholarship. If not, check out the UW alum clubs at Houston, Austin or SA. Good luck!</p>

<p>L & S
GPA: weighted = 4.13, unweighted = 3.92
Many honors/AP classes.
Strong essay, EC's, and leadership. Great recs.<br>
Top 10% of top-ranked public HS in state.</p>

<p>I got accepted last week too :)
SAT: 1910
GPA: 3.98 UW, 4.12W
Rank: top 10</p>

<p>hey cherry, i saw somewhere you're international? if so, where yu from?</p>

<p>College of Engineering</p>

<p>International </p>

<p>SAT - 750M/510V/530W
ACT - 30
SAT 2 - 720 Chem, 720 ML2
GPA - 3.8 + (UW)
AP - Cal AB and US Gov't
Rank - Top 5</p>

<p>I got something in my email today from the housing people. Apparently I was accepted lol!</p>

<p>So excited, but I still want to hear from Ann Arbor and UChicago.</p>

<p>I won't post stats because they don't matter! They only discourage future applicants when they shouldn't!</p>

<p>Good luck to everybody and hopefully I'll see some of you next year :D</p>

<p>welll, hopefully my stats might encourage applications, as i dont think theyre too stellar</p>

3.45 uw, 3.8 w, hardest classes
ecs/essays/recs were strongest point of application</p>

<p>Crouton those are great SAT scores, I'm sure that helped a lot. </p>

<p>I'm sure your essays and rec's were oustanding as well, so, Gratz!</p>

<p>My stats were similar, I might as well post I guess...</p>

3.6 UW/4.2 W
10th percentile of my class
2010 SAT
Oustanding Rec from my Econ teacher(I didn't even send in a counselor form and I was accepted)
My essay was good, imo, it wasn't canned and I spent a lot of time crafting it specifically for Wisconsin (instead of copying+pasting a Common app essay -- this makes a big difference, future applicants, writing a mostly unique essay for each school shows them respect and interest, as opposed to a vague essay designed for all your apps)</p>

<p>I had good AP scores too.. 5s on all my tests, WH/G, Euro, AP USH, Bio, Econ, Lit</p>

<p>I only have a few ECs but I was VP of one for 4 years, treasurer of the state board for a teenage political org, and I was also president of a club.</p>

<p>I'm also out of state.</p>

<p>My grades sucked though, I was bored in my classes and didn't do the work. I had a few Cs and a handful of Bs (but that was Freshman/Soph year and then I turned up the pace Junior/Senior and pulled straight As)</p>

<p>Point is, don't be discouraged if your stats don't meet everybody else's, give it a shot or else you're never going to know. I feel it's important to say this because I used to come to various boards on this site and think that I didn't have a chance at getting into any good schools, and yet, here I am. </p>

<p>Stats aren't everything, the most important thing is that you put everything you have into your app and then you have an oustanding shot at being accepted regardless of your stats.</p>

<p>I have similar scores to Crouton, except lower SAT scores. I still haven't heard, but I applied on 2/1...has everyone heard who applied by the deadline?</p>

<p>I applied as a transfer around the deadline and they are still "collecting my materials". I sent them an email only to get no response.</p>