<p>I believe I read that most professors should have their syllabi updated and online during the summer (prior to the beginning of the semester). How do you access the syllabi for registered Fall 2010 courses?</p>
<p>Is there a NYU link for this? Based on Course Number? Professor Name?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance for anyone with information on this.</p>
<p>It should be on NYUHome, under Blackboard. Have your DS sign into his NYUHome account and then look under the course names. But I know that for me, personally, none of my professors have activated Blackboard yet.</p>
<p>I see that sonny has a lot of reading in store for him. I will refer him to the info you provided in case he is motivated to start reading earlier, haha. Though I was expecting what you wrote, that professors might not have their syllabi up yet . (Confession: I always brought in my syllabi first day of class, but I know some professors are early birds and I was thinking the trend is towards earlier posting on Blackboard. Guess not. Everyone values their summer break, except some of us here on CC.) :)</p>
<p>sometimes if you google the course and professor, you can find the syllabi pdf online.works about 60% of the time, as old students post them up, or professors have them up on their personal website.</p>