ACT Math 36-How many?

<p>How many ACT takers score 36 on the math? I know it is <1% according to their site and I know that in 2004 6914 people of 653,158 received perfect subscores on the hardest/highest level math subsection, but how many of that 6914 also scored max points on all the other subsections? If it is possible, how many females/how many males? How does the frequency of a 36 math ACT compare to the frequency of an SAT1 800 in math?</p>

<p>You cannot miss a single question on the ACT except for 1 question on the Reading section for a perfect score of 36.</p>

<p>Curmudgeon, Thanks for starting this discussion. I have the same question about each of the subsections. What I would like to see is something similar to the college board summary that provides the number of test takers and the number of students that scored at each level. In the past they have broken it down further by gender and ethic background.</p>

<p>Something like the following:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>For your information, only 1 person in the whole state of texas scored a perfect ACT.</p>

<p>damitssam, last year a student at Waco-Midway scored a perfect 36 composite but HERE we are talking about perfect scores on each of the 4 areas. I'm asking specifically about math, where my D did score a 36.</p>

<p>This is as good as I have found, eagle79. Hope it helps a little. <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>i got 35 on math... missed one i guess?</p>

<p>I got a 36 composite but missed 2 on math i guess (34). i was also wondering about how many people get 36 composites.</p>

<p>I got a 35 on math, then a 34 on math my second time. I think my friend who got a 36 got a 36 in math though. I got 36s in reading and sci (different tests though).</p>

<p>i got 36 in math but only a 740 in sat math go figure</p>

<p>the rest of my act scores were ****ty tho</p>

<p>Well, it seems I was wrong in my post #1 on this thread . It is 6914 out of @1.2 million test-takers scored a 36 on the math in 2004.</p>

<p>only 1 person in ''Texas'' scored a 36 because everybody in Texas takes the SATs... rarely anybody takes the ACT. probably only 5,000 kids took the ACT, out of which 1 scored a 36.</p>


<p>That may be generally true, however, there is little difference in the number of test takers between the ACT and SAT. 1.2M for the ACT and 1.3M for the SAT. I expect that more students will be taking both tests going forward. Further, Texas is a high polulation state so I would expect more a pretty large number of ACT test takers going forward.</p>

<p>I took the Act at my school because I had an accomdation on the essay part--but I still haven't gotten the results yet--anyone else in waiting for April results?</p>

<p>I don't see anything on the ACT website that lists number of 36's in individual tests by gender, never mind dividing it out by subscore.
My d. missed one in math (at the pre-algebra/elementary alg. level) and got a 35 in math, so it appears you must get all right to get a 36.
I do know that only 30 students out of 253,000 takers got at 36 composite in the Feb. 05 testing, so that is a smaller percentage than the perfect SAT takers, plus it doesn't include the writing on the composite score. That in itself, makes me think that a 36 Math ACT is more rare than a 800 Math SAT.
Great job - You Go Girl!</p>


That's where I am ultimately going with this , browser and I'll tell D of your encouraging words. My madness in all this is that I want to see HOW rare it is for a female to have a 36 in math, because even though she had a composite 32 , she flubbed the science (like many did on the dewpoint thing-y) and made a 26 that she would prefer to forget. But if the 36 is enough to open eyes, then maybe we need to show it and beef the science up with something else.</p>

<p>Sataddict, you are correct that ACT is the choice of only 29% of Texans students. It is still a lot more than 5000 kids, more like 10 times that or even more but I don't have the time or need to look for that stat. I do know that every state neighboring Texas is an ACT state, overwhelmingly from a low of 69% in OK. To a high of 87% in La.</p>

<p>The composite score is rounded, so you could get two 35s and two 36s and still get a "perfect score" of 36.</p>

<p>If she is planning to major in something math intensive, then I would definitely play up the 36. Women with great math scores are in high demand, and this should probably help - either with admission to a reach college, or $$$$</p>

<p>yeah and to a 92%+ in MS where I, unfortunately, live.</p>