ACT October Date - will the score get to her on time before Nov 1?

<p>Hi there,</p>

<p>My girlfriend is applying to the University of Miami ED, and some other schools. She was wondering this: If she takes the October ACT, will the score come back in time for her to put it in the common app/other applications before their November 1st deadlines? If not, what happens? Do the colleges get the scores automatically from the company? She's worried that she'll end up with her highest score on this next ACT in October, and if they come in late, she's worried that she wont be able to put it in, especially for her common app for UM ED.</p>

<p>If anyone knows about this, please write here! Thanks </p>

<p>I took the september 13th ACT and got my results back within a week, so she should be fine. I had to wait for writing, though.</p>