ACT prep compared to SAT prep

<p>For those of you taking both exams: do you use the same regime for both tests, or should I do completely different study techniques?
Any tips on how to study?</p>

<p>It depends how to study for the SAT I guess.
The best thing is to keep taking all the practice tests you can find. I’ve found that the best prep book is the Red real ACT book.
But, like I said, practice is the best way to do well. That means actually sitting down in a quiet room and timing yourself; act as though this is the real deal. </p>

<p>To improve my reading score, I’ve heard it’s best to read literature that you wouldn’t normally read meaning a science mag or a few parts of the paper each morning. Hope that helps!</p>

<p>actually SAT prep really helps for ACT (just don’t study vocab =P)
it’s sorta like a barron’s book since all the sections are that much harder compared to ACT except for time restraints are more lenient</p>