<p>So I'm currently a senior and plan on taking the ACT again in October (it's late, I know). My top choice right now is UIUC CoE, which is very selective and my ACT score isn't cutting it. </p>
<p>My highest as of now is a 29 C (33E, 31M, 26R, 25S).
Highest for each section: (33E, 34M, 28R, 26S)</p>
<p>Now, this October ACT is my last chance to redeem myself, and I'm aiming for a 30+. What are your guys's reading and science tips? Before taking the ACT, I thought I had the reading section down pretty well (I timed myself and would usually finish each passage on time missing 1 or 0 questions) but I somehow ran out of time on actual test - there was one reading passage I was not familiar with at all.</p>
<p>For science, I usually get to the conflicting viewpoints passage and run out of time - I do the 5 and 6 question passages first, not reading the passage and going straight to the question. Science has consistently been the most difficult for me and I'm hoping I can increase this.</p>
<p>I have roughly a month to study and was wondering what my best plan of action would be - I plan on taking a ton of practice tests. Any help is appreciated, thank you.</p>
<p>Alright well, I just got my scores back for the September ACT and I ended up doing well (Composite of 34) and in particular ha a 34 in reading and a 35 in Science. Now, I am one of those guys that did not study whatsoever, but I can still give you some advice, or at least what I did. For the reading, I had just read through each of the passages relatively fast, not skimming but just making sure to get the gist of every word I read, and then put the passage together at the end. When I did the questions, I made sure not to over think them, just read it through and pick the answer that best fits the passage, and what you read from the passage. If you <em>think</em> something is right but aren’t too sure, take a couple of seconds to go back if you think you have the time. The same thing basically for the science section. The only difference I had between the reading and science sections had been that I had lightly skimmed some of the science passages, mostly because I wanted to save time. The best thing I could tell you to do is to work on your time as much as possible. It saves you time to double check your answers and to get more points. I found as I was double checking answers, either in the reading or science, I would find the answer I bubbled in contradict what was originally written in the passage, and because I had time left over I could fix my answer and not lose the point. Good luck, you will do fine