ACT score skews backwards for MechEng Kid '24 (35 Composite: 35 M, 34 S = 34 Stem; 36 E, 36 R)

Right, a generation later an engineering kid who could have gotten into MIT might have to “settle” for Berkeley or UCLA, Michigan, Georgia Tech, Illinois, Purdue, Texas or A&M, Wisconsin, Penn State, or so on.

And then . . . have a great career as an engineer, if engineering is actually a good fit for them.

I think that’s certainly true, but it’s because too many students are applying to too few schools.

Our son was the first new grad at a highly anticipated startup and then was recruited to a FAANG. He has and does work with elite engineers. I asked him where people on his team went to school. He said all over the place including schools that no one ever thinks about. A significant number at both companies did their undergrads in Europe.

The take home message, hopefully reassuring, is that there are a LOT of good schools for ME, some that let almost everyone in.

Take Iowa State for example. They have amazing facilities including a national lab. They let over 90% of their applicants in.

Alabama Huntsville is another good example. The top employer for MEs is NASA. They let 74% in. They’d automatically get a yearly $20K scholarship.


I would not retake the ACT. I would spend time focusing on the essays.



@Darcy123 We are getting a little off topic. But just because a kid starts off in engineering doesn’t mean they will get a degree in engineering. And even IF a student gets a degree in engineering, it doesn’t mean engineering will be their career choice.

I’d be glad to tell anyone who wants to know how I know this…in a message.

There are hundreds and hundreds of ABET accredited Mech engineering programs in this country. TONS. And the very vast majority do not require a 36 or even 35 ACT score…and a perfect all A GPA in high school.


Oh yep. U r right. And I assume unweighted. Thx for the catch.

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Depends on the school. At Arizona, one B costs $2k. Doesn’t matter the subject level. Miami Ohio uses a gpa filter. As @eyemgh corrected me, you can’t be pres elite at Bama withiut a perfect gpa.

We don’t know about your students intentions but I’m guessing they’ll have no shortage of opportunities in your areas of desire whether ‘prestige’ whatever that means or budget.

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