ACT Student Profile: do I have to fill it out?

<p>So ACT account has these sections that you are asked to fill out: your high school courses and your student profile that they say will help you with college admissions. I am transferring from a community college to a university through a transfer pathway. ALL I NEED FOR MY DIRECT ADMISSION IS a score of 25 excluding writing.
Those questions are annoying and can I just not answer them? Will it make any difference in my admissions process if I ignore them and still get a 25 or above on the test? The reason I'm so upset with them is because I went to high school in another country, I came here when I was 18, I'm 21 now. We do not have GPA in Russia (we have a different grading system), and they do not tell you what quarter of your class you were in, and I have no record of how big my graduating class was. A lot of this stuff does not apply to me, and I quite frankly, I already know what I want to do with my education and don't feel like filling out all that special interest and future plans stuff. Can I just register for the test and skip all this nonsense?
Thank you</p>