Actual Results Thread for African Americans

<p>Oh if you get a JD you don't have to only work in corporate law. Mitt romney got a JD/MBA (which with an undergrad wharton degree would be tantamount to a BS/JD in your case) and he went to work in consulting for Bain and Co. So you can work in government, law firms, public interest, corporate management, or corporate law. A law degree has more options than just pure law, keep that in mind if you do decide that law is a way to go. Have a great time in Phily :), too bad cheese stakes SUCK!!!!</p>


<p>All I have to say is welcome to Wharton and the University of Pennsylvania. I'll probably bump into you at some point lol. Get ready, because you will enjoy it. I know I am.</p>

<p>Oh my goodness, I have no chance of getting into my dream school. My scores are no where near anyones on this post. Every part of my application is great except for standardized tests. I wish I had the awareness of how important the PSATS would be before I took would be a miracle if I get into Brown University. I'm going to cry! : (........Congrats to everybody! Hopefully I get in somewhere I like..</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: Carolina, UNC Charlotte, UNC Wilmington, App State U, Deferred from Davidson ED2 (will find out late March); waiting to hear from Duke...
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program: App State (full ride);Scholarship from my fathers employer for books, waiting on others</p>

<p>**Stats:[ /b][ list]
[<em>] SAT I: 1700
[</em>] ACT: 26
[<em>] GPA: 4.0 UW; 4.67 W
[</em>] Rank: 1 of 35
[<em>] Ap Courses: are not offered at my school
[</em>] Other stats:
[/list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[<em>] Essays: Not the best...but okay
[</em>] Teacher Recs: One excellent one, one okay one.
[<em>] Counselor Rec: pretty good
[</em>] Hook (if any): Math major and on pre-optometry track
[ /list][ b]Location/Person:[ /b][ list]
[ *] State or Country: NC, USA
[ *] School Type: Public (application and interview required)
[ *] Gender: Female
[ *] major strength/weakness: Strengths-gpa and recs; Weaknesses-obviously my SAT1 and ACT
[ *] why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered where you were: Accepted at safeties bc of my GPA, Deferred from Davidson bc of my SAT and ACT scores and bc there were a lot of great scores this year.
[ *] significant awards/recongitions: NHS, Presidential Award for Academic Excellence, Silver in the Know your Community Contest, Honor Roll
[ *] summer activities: Part-time job, tutor at homeless shelter
[ /list][ b]Other Factors:[ /b]
*My school doesn't offer AP courses but we can take dual-enrollment courses. I was finished with my hs req my junior year.
* This years course load
1. Anatomy and Physiology HN
2. Calculus 1 and 2 (both at college)
3. Leadership Development
4. Gen Psy and Abnormal Psy (both at college)
5. Expository Writing (college)
6. Art Appreciation (college, in order to get the art scholar on my diploma)</p>

<p>i thought i deleted the spaces lol i screwed that up, try your best to make it out!</p>

<p>Didn't make this clear but i have only applied for the app stat scholarship; haven't heard back yet...</p>

<p>for all of you who got like 30+ on the ACT; did you heavily prepare? or did you just go into the room with confidence and banged it out (lol)? </p>

<p>p.s. I'm taking the ACT next weekend. Been practicing and doing practice exams for almost a month & a half, but I'm still not sure if I can get at least a 30. Just want to know any suggestions or tips anyone would like to give me? </p>


<p>Well, to answer your question, I was one of those people who went in and just banged it out. But this will not work for everyone. Still, whether one goes in with preparation or not, I feel the biggest factor determining success on the ACT or SAT is self-confidence which produces a sense of calm about taking the exam. When you are relaxed you are going to reason through things better and move at a good pace (which is extremely important for the ACT). So, my advice to you would be to prep some more, have a good rest the night before and walk in the testing room cool, calm and collected. You will do fine.</p>

<p>Thanks Chi-town23_23! That helped alot. Thanks again!</p>

<p>I definitely spent like a month studying for the test. I used Barron's which is ridiculously harder than the actual ACT and on the practice test for barron's I got a 25. Luckily the real ACT was alot easier and so I was really chill when doing it bc it was a lot easier than what I was used to and i ended up getting a 34. </p>

<p>But the most important thing is to be self-confident and move at your own pace.</p>

<p>I bet there are some more minorities on CC, come on ppl post it will be beneficial to the future AA CCers to see the stats of other minorities and where they were accepted so they can compare themselves.</p>

<p>My most recent SAT scores are in mid 1800's..
I was filled w/elated feelings when ever another african american asked me what my score was, but</p>

<p>I'm back to being depressed (like i was when I first scored in the 1600's)</p>


<p>Dbate- Thanks for the suggestion! That's my biggest fault when I took the SAT because I definetly get nervous when i take standardized tests. In the middle of the test I'm always thinking "this is the most important test in my life right now"...which makes things sooo much more nerveracking. Thanks again!</p>

<p>roblan- please I would be happy with an 1800, at least you got your score up, that shows innovation & plus they look at your highest scores. I started beating myself up because of my low score but I'm not going to subject myself to that because I've worked hard for four years which is illuminated in my transcript. As long as your other application materials are strong I believe SOME (key word: some) schools MAY be able to look past your scores. Not saying all just SOME. Good Luck though!</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone! I'm a junior and this thread has been sooo helpful. Seniors, please keep posting!!</p>

<p>Yeah, CC is like high school on steroids :)</p>

<p>I'm applying early decision next year (well, this year) for Brown. My stats would definitely be considered average for CC. I've had a sold 3.7 from 9th to 10th grade, and this semester my GPA is probably gonna tank. :( I've got three APs, and I think my GPA will be anywhere from a 3.0 to a 3.5. We'll wait and see.</p>

<p>I applied last admissions cycle. Should I put my stats here for reference?</p>

<p>definately, any stats are good for reference</p>

<p>*Accepted: Penn-Wharton ED *</p>

[<em>] SAT: 680 CR, 690 M, 730 W (2100)
[</em>] SAT IIs: US History - 790, Math IIC - 760, Literature - 710
[<em>] ACT: 34
[</em>] GPA: 3.84 UW, 4.50 W
[<em>] Rank: 8/1,017
[</em>] AP Courses: US History (5), European History (5), Calculus BC (5), English Language (5), Microeconomics (5), Macroeconomics (5), Physics Mechanics (4), Physics E&M (3), Spanish Language (3)
[<em>] Other stats:N/A
[</em>] Essays: Pretty Good
[<em>] Teacher Recs: Excellent
[</em>] Counselor Rec: Probably mediocre (didn't know me too well)
[<em>] Hook (if any): um yeah, were all URM!
[</em>] State or Country: IL
[<em>] School Type: Public
[</em>] Gender: Male
[<em>] major strength/weakness: Social Sciences/Spanish
[</em>] why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered where you were: Personality, Leadership
[<em>] significant awards/recongitions:Illinois Youth Governor (YMCA Youth & Government), Illinois Youth Secretary of State (Y&G), various state awards for Business Professionals of America, various school awards, National Achievement, National Merit Commended, AP Scholar w/Distinction, Illinois State Scholar, Chicago Urban League Youth Day Honoree
[</em>] summer activities: Junior Statesmen of America, Georgetown 2006
[/ul]Other Factors: Didn't send SAT scores to Penn. I don't think they would have hurt me, but I felt I could have done better if I had prepared for them. A couple AP exams listed were after I was accepted, but I posted them anyway. Probably skewed because I didn't really care too much at that point.</p>

<p>Where were you accepted: That school in Cambridge next to Harvard
Did you get any scholarships/ Honors program:</p>

[<em>] SAT: 1990
[</em>] SAT IIs: 730 Math2, 720 Bio
[<em>] ACT:N/A
[</em>] GPA: 95
[<em>] Rank:Top 10%
[</em>] Ap Courses: Bio, Chem, Macroecon, BC Calc, US History
[<em>] Other stats:
[</em>] Essays: Good, I did all of the optional ones
[<em>] Teacher Recs: One kinda crappy, I didnt see the other one but I assume it was great
[</em>] Counselor Rec: Spectacular
[<em>] Hook (if any): URM (Carribean)
[</em>] State or Country:NY
[<em>] School Type:Large Public
[</em>] Gender: 100% woman
[<em>] Income bracket: Po' (<25k)
[</em>] major strength/weakness: Humanities grades,
[<em>] why you think you were accepted/rejected/defered where you were: My essays showed who I really was and that I was pasionate about the sciences and engineering.
[</em>] significant awards/recongitions: Nat'l Achievement, Questbridge College Prep,
[li] summer activities: A few recognized summer programs[/li][/ul]Other Factors:
My school and summer program have good reputations in their eyes and they send 2-3 people to MIT each year.</p>

<p>wait, is that school MIT?
That was like my dream school but I knew I soo couldn't get in. I wish I did well on the SAT, that screwed my consideration for admission to alot of schools....O well, hopefully I could transfer in the future. :)</p>

<p>Do they compare scores to the others in your schools, and to the other people in your ethnic group at your school? Because then, my 1650/26 on the ACT cold would relatively be a 2200/34! Haha.</p>