<p>White, Texas, Senior, at semi-competetive public high school
SAT I 2000 (CR690 M660 W650) 1350 out of 1600
AP English III score: 4
AP US History scpre: 4
GPA: 4.433 out of 5
Class Rank 17 out of 364 (Top 5%)
Senior Class Schedule:
AP English IV
AP Government
AP Economics
AP Psychology
AP Biology
AP Statistics
Mentoring Program (volunteering at local middle schools)
Academic Decathlon Class
Communication Application</p>
Class Vice President (Junior and Senior Year)
American Legion Boys State Delegate
National Honor Society
Varsity Golf (Team Captain)
Multicultural Club Treasurer
Congressional Youth Advisory Board
STUCO member
Academic Decathlon (Quiz Bowl & other events, 10 total)
UIL-Current Events
UIL-Ready Writing
Community Service 200 plus hours</p>
<p>Interests etc.:
-I have written numerous informal prose, specifically one journal over the summer that was over 200 pages of political, social,personal, and religious ideas and philosophy
-I love golf course architecture and nature
-Writing(especially timed writing)
-Philosophical discussion and thought</p>
<p>Letters of Rec:
-One from Tom Doak, quite possibly one of the worlds most prolific and notable golf course architects
-Another from my AP English teacher who knows me very well and will expand on my writing ability
-I alos have an extremely good relationship with my high school counselor and she should give me an excellent evaluation
-Science rec should be good as well</p>
<p>Before anyone cuts me down on my overdone confidence that many may have jumped on in the title I do realize the realities of an OOS applicant to UVA. And yet nothing that a blog like this could say or suggest could really effect my feelings or intentions. Its not that I am so proud or even claiming that I have the best or most qualified test scores or GPA. What I am implying is that so many on this web site come in here with such doubt and little faith in there own abilities and accomplishments. It is a recent realization of mine that people with stellar scores and EC's apply to the most elite universities and colleges feeling scared, taking too little risk in how they portray themselves which in reality makes them sound insecure and unconfident in there own abilities. College is about personal growth and self awareness. Colleges want students confident in what they have done and eager to learn and better there lives. Not students who have a accomplished great things only to dismiss them as mundane or the norm. I am proud of what I have accomplished and I know that my attitude will manifest itself alot more clearly than perhaps better qualified applicants statistically speaking.</p>
<p>I agree... My S is from OOS, has 1450 / 2230, 3.95uw/4.62w, 13 of 548, about 10 AP classes, editor in chief, capt. varsity tennis, etc.. and pretty much expects not to gain admission. OOS - - tough.</p>
<p>I think you've got a chance, and here's why>>you've got spunk. I like your attitude. You are realistic, you know that your stats aren't perfect, but you have some unique interests that make you different. If you can continue on that theme with your essays, exuding confidence, as you do in your posting. Then, I think you might have a shot. It won't be a shoe-in, but a shot. Good luck.</p>
<p>I do appreciate your zest, but I have to warn you that I know instate kids with 2230/ 1520 SAT similar 3.95/4.0 top 5-7% GPA/Rank and resumes that smoke yours and they are wringing their hands over UVA. </p>
<p>Granted these are Fairfax County(northern VA) kids, but they are still instate. Right now there is a glut of class of 08 kids and all of them want the big name schools. I am not trying to deflate you, but you should apply to a lot of schools making sure some are no brainers. </p>
<p>Last year one of the most stellar kids I know didn't get into any ivy's and he is one brilliant guy. He was confident going in but extremely disappointed at the end of the year. Don't let that happen to you. Good luck!</p>
I know instate kids with 2230/ 1520 SAT similar 3.95/4.0 top 5-7% GPA/Rank and resumes that smoke yours and they are wringing their hands over UVA
<p>Wringing their hands over...UVA? Those people are auto-admits.</p>
<p>Not from NoVa schools like Langley and the other pressure cooker joints Cav. I used Langley b/c I happened to have last years scattergram open for UVa. Plenty of "blue diamonds" ie., Deferred have those stats. Those were 2007 stats and 08 is going to be a blood bath. I predict lots of crying this year, but I hope I'm wrong. Ultimately it is a state school and if they are turning down those credentials then it is time to move toward the Chapel Hill model and go for 85% instate until the boomlet moves on. Gotta take care of the home team IMO but with the new admissions move away from ED and toward first generation and other disadvantages I don't think we'll see that this year.</p>
<p>Meh, those stats are more or less average for kids at Langley, I guess. Not that they're not good, but when both of your parents are partners at Williams & Connolly, anything less than a 1450 or so on the SAT is pretty sh1tty.</p>
<p>I agree with you about Langley (1% lunch subsidy) but it isn't different at other Fairfax schools. Lets use Marshall High at 22% lunch subsidy. No free ride with those numbers, hence hand wringing for UVa.</p>
<p>OTOH I saw a Nova kid get into Cornell last year who had been arrested 4 times. Guess Daddy being a VP at Marriott had some pull eh? Sickening. </p>
<p>Like my brother always says: Money doesn't talk, it screams.</p>
<p>Maybe. Even at schools like Langley, someone top 5-10% rank and 1400+ SAT is just about an auto-admit. Yea, a few don't get in, but the vast, vast majority do.</p>
<p>Hey don't diss Langley so much (as I am attending there right now).</p>
<p>According to Naviance, the average SAT for UVA acceptees is 1410/1600. To me, that is crazy high for in-state.</p>
<p>But actually, a lot of people from my school are not so focused on UVA since they dropped their ED program and many more students are applying to their big name reaches early.</p>
<p>As for the rich people at Langley.....I'll just say that a family income of $100,000 is probably below average........</p>
<p>Dan is correct. It would be difficult if not impossible to live in the langley pyramid on 100k. I will bet the average is way above that and even the median would be nearly double. Those(22101 & 22066) are some of the top 10 richest zip codes in the nation. </p>
<p>Langley Instate SAT is 1410 this year but I predict a twenty point increase for the 08 admissions cycle.</p>